
Is it okay to use Lorazepam with Hyrdrocodone/ APAP?

by  |  earlier

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I ask because I was recently prescribed Hydrocodone and I've been on Lorazepam for a few months now. I was just wondering if they would react badly together or if it would be alright. I bet it will be fine but I just wanted to make sure.





  1. your doctor should have covered this already...

    call the pharmacy :]

  2. It depends on the doses of each. While they each affect a different receptor, some of the side effects of each are the same. At very low doses (for example .5mg of lorazepam and 7.5mg hydrocodone) it's probably okay. Of course, individuals vary, and you should definitely speak to your doctor or pharmacist before proceeding. Always tell your doctor what medications you are taking, even if they're being prescribed by another doctor.

  3. your body is used to the lorazepam so it should be safe. i wouldn't take them at the same time until you know how you react to the pain medicine.

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