
Is it okay to use your ethnicity to obtain academic scholarships?

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I am 25% Puerto Rican but appear caucasian. However, I am considering going to Grad School and would like to use my Puerto Rican ethnicity to obtain a scholarship.

Background - I grew up in an upper middle class family and received a solid education. However, it sure would be nice to leave grad school without any additional debt - I didn't use my ethnicity in undergrad so I have about $15K left to pay off in loans.


1) Dont hate the player, hate the game?

2) Dont take steroids to win the game?




  1. I think you should stop trying to find ways to bang college chicks.

  2. yea man thats what i did

  3. yeah with as expensive as it today to go to college do whatever you can bro

  4. Tough luck, people have larger debts than you and still go to grad school. How bout all the other hard working caucasians that deserve the scholarship? Noo. Cater to the minority first. Why can't we all just be equal.

  5. Isn't it a shame that these kinds of things harbor reverse discrimination?

    I would say it depends on your sense of right and wrong. As a bystander, I would say that you're on the same level as millions of other college students, and you shouldn't use your ethnicity to cheat the system.

    However, if I were in the same position, I'm not sure that I could say no to the opportunity. College is expensive, man!

  6. I applaud your sense of honor.  

    But you should use any resources you can find to get an advanced degreee.

    There are too many people without your sense of honor who do it.  So you owe it to yourself and to both of your ethnic groups to get the degree and pay back with honor if not money.

  7. If you are eligible and the committee will give you the scholarship, then I'd say go for it.

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