
Is it okay too.....................

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prepare bisquick dough(with cheese and milk) and leave in the fridge until the next day, late afternoon.




  1. Yeah, but the process is quick enough you could do it real quick the next afternoon as well.

  2. No, don't do it.  Resist the urge to save time with anything using baking powder (check your ingredients list).  

    Baking powder will begin doing what baking powder does best as soon as it is mixed with the liquid ingredients (includes eggs).  

    If you keep them in the fridge, covered or not, the baking powder will act at once and will leave you with a poor quality, tasteless, flat biscuit tomorrow.  Better to have none than to have awful.  

    Figure out another way to save those few minutes.

    Dinner for 6 in 30 minutes is great.  Good for you.

  3. Yes.  Just be sure you cover it with a tight lid or layer of plastic wrap, otherwise it will soak up all manner of smells and fridge funk you didn't know you had.  Just don't wait any longer to use it.

  4. its probably better to do it the same day, but you should be ok to refridgerate it overnight....but wrap it tight so that it doesn't develop a skin and get all funky!  good luck!

  5. yes girl. red lobster does the same thing. just put garlic powder and bitter on top.

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