
Is it only USA that has cheerleaders coz I'm moving to UK lol?

by  |  earlier

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  1. sure there are, you'll have to let somebody film you and probably have to sit on men's faces for a few close up shots, and do funny things with courgettes, but yes there ARE cheerleaders here, of a sort......

  2. If you are moving here you're going to need to be a little more sympathetic to people rather than responsing to people who are grieving after losing a loved one, by saying 'this is a joke'.  Please bring some compassion with you...

  3. there isnt at my skool but there might be elsewhere

  4. I only wish it was my dear................

  5. nope theres no cheerleading gymnastics thats quite popular

  6. Sadly this sort of cheap tacky American trash is making it's way over here now like a lot of American culture, sad but true.  you'll probably be able to find a cheerleader group somewhere I am sad and ashamed to say.

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