
Is it only illegal immigrants that don't show respect for America and Americans or is there others 2?

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I can think of 2 groups that don't besides illegals. The LEGAL terrorists that come to hurt us and the ' Good Americans ' that talk about overthrowing the gov and also try to deny other Americans their right of free speech by trying to silence their opinion on the immigration issue.

How about you can you name some?




  1. Well, when I became a citizen I had to learn something that said that a set of rules, as old as the mountains, called "the constitution" granted some sort of thing called "freedom of speech"

    Later I have become not so sure about that and other things to be true

  2. Only a fool  gives their respect blindly: respect should be earned.

  3. No illegal immigrants aren't the only ones that show disrespect for America and Americans, now what's your point.  This is the immigration section, if you want to discuss the other people that disrespect America, I'm sure there's a section for that.

  4. Stop blaming other people and start respecting anyone....

  5. Americans don't even show proper respect for their nation anymore. EVERYBODY seems to take everything for granted nowadays.

  6. Well the entire world hates americans there must be a reason for that.

  7. we all define respect differently.......I am POSITIVE you and I have completely opposite definitions.  But my final answer is.........NO

  8. no its the true american's that don't show respect to themselves..why do you think there are terrorist!?

    Bad things don't happen for no reason:/

  9. I dont like americans and I am not an illegal immigrant or a terrorist.

    You missed a third group - the NON-Americans - who are sick and tired of your arrogance and blindness in not seeing what is happening to you and your country, and your refusal to DO SOMETHING about it.

  10. There are US citizens in America commit crimes that are more serious than entering the country illegally.  And they should have to answer for their crimes.  

    Illegal immigration is also a crime, and because entering the US illegally makes it difficult to live in the US legally it leads to other crimes.

    The difference is illegal immigration is not only seen as a crime spree, because issues such as racism have helped illegal immigrants portray themselves as victims.  

    Rewarding crime any crime will cause a society to become disfunctional.  Since illegal immigration has been a way to make crime pay it has become a threat to society itself.  As it breeds lawlessness and anarchy.

  11. I think your mad that someone reported your answer or question, that's what happens to many people on here who have several different accounts, like we all are aware you do.  Generally they call those people trolls, but we won't go there because god forbid we hurt someones feelings.

  12. Oh, there are a lot of ignorants  out there.  But the illegal immigrants show no respect.  They break our laws when they enter our country illegally....the good news is that because of rising prices of fuel and food a lot of them are going home according to the radio.  If that would happen we wouldn't have to support them with free health you couldn't get that as an American citizen in or illegal....what's up with that?

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