
Is it only in my area that schools are open on Good Friday? This really ticks me off?

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Is it only in my area that schools are open on Good Friday? This really ticks me off?




  1. My area it`s a stat holiday and almost everyone has it off.All government offices,banks ,schools and businesses , are off today.Very little is open today

  2. Hey me_morti, where in the Constitution can I find the ammendment for the separation of church and state?  While you are there, can you also find my constitutional right to vote as well?  Thanks.

  3. Where I live our schools were off yesterday and my company considers it a holiday. But there are alot of businesses that were open.

  4. That would tick me off too, Good Friday is important. My school is closed today. But at the same time, we have to think of all of the religious minorities who are personally offended when they have school on their holidays in this country. I think it really depends on what the dominant religion in your area is.

  5. They should give the day off. If Thanksgiving is celebrated why not to give the day off for something as important as the crucifixion of our Lord? then people complain what is happening to our youth these days. We are living in a society driven by money.

  6. I am in Phoenix, my niece and nephew have been out of school all week and our office is closed today, the Doctor is Catholic.

  7. I'm in East Tn- all of our schools are out and lots of business's took a holiday today.

  8. Have the adults in your area try to get the school district to change policy to grant the day off in the future.

    Just be aware that the day will have to be made up at some point, probably by extending the school year, so your summer vacation would start later.

  9. In Texas, we are all on Spring Break.

  10. you just got spring break and you get three months off in the summer, a week at christmas and some off at thanksgiving, plus the multiple "teacher in service" days, what the ehck are you complainign about, just wait unti you get out in the real world and only get about 8-10 paid holiday days off a year.

  11. Try separation of church and state.

    CORRECTION - The Wall of Seperation as eluded to by Thomas Jefferson (or his interpretation of the First Amendment in a Letter to the Danbury Baptist Association in 1802.  He stated in this letter; "Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his god, [the people, in the 1st Amendment,] declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, thus building a wall of separation between church and state.".  There is case law further definging 'The Law of Seperation' and can be found here (

    Now for Voting, which is not a constitutional right.

    Evidence to the above from (

    The Constitution contains many phrases, clauses, and amendments detailing ways people cannot be denied the right to vote. You cannot deny the right to vote because of race or gender. Citizens of Washington DC can vote for President; 18-year-olds can vote; you can vote even if you fail to pay a poll tax. The Constitution also requires that anyone who can vote for the "most numerous branch" of their state legislature can vote for House members and Senate members.

    Note that in all of this, though, the Constitution never explicitly ensures the right to vote, as it does the right to speech, for example. It does require that Representatives be chosen and Senators be elected by "the People," and who comprises "the People" has been expanded by the aforementioned amendments several times. Aside from these requirements, though, the qualifications for voters are left to the states. And as long as the qualifications do not conflict with anything in the Constitution, that right can be withheld. For example, in Texas, persons declared mentally incompetent and felons currently in prison or on probation are denied the right to vote. It is interesting to note that though the 26th Amendment requires that 18-year-olds must be able to vote, states can allow persons younger than 18 to vote, if they chose to.

  12. If you don't go to a Catholic school why should you be off?  Would you attend mass in its place?  You could certainly get an excused absence for religious observance if that were the case.  Or do you just want a day off?

  13. I bet.  We've had a ton of snow days in Missouri and they're still giving them the day off.  Which means tons of fun for me because being in the restaurant business, I get to walk into work (I have the closing shift) to a bunch of screaming kids and upset parents who let their kids throw c**p all over my floor and all over my restaurant.  Yea, me!

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