
Is it only me or is the uk going to h**l in a hand basket?

by Guest21365  |  earlier

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Is it only me or is the uk going to h**l in a hand basket?




  1. from the sharia law being acceptable by some of your leaders and all those politically correct.

    you are headed in the wrong direction.

  2. the handbasket of the u.s.

  3. Going, Going, GONE

  4. Don't know. I live in the USA

  5. Not in a hand basket, but in a burqa. I pray to GOD that our politicians and the people here in the U.S.A. will take to heart the lessons you Brits have been learning the hard way. We must stop the elevated influx of all the Muslim/Islams into our country before we become another England, France, or other over ran county.

  6. Yes it is. You have been disarmed, causing crime to increase exponentially (criminals love unarmed citizens - and so do governments), you have been invaded by illegals and now your taxes are skyrocketing to pay for them, and you are spied upon by thousands of cameras positioned all over your cities. You are in a world of hurt. Solution? Arm yourselves, tear down those cameras, export the illegals, and tar and feather your leadership (before you put them in jail for treason).

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