
Is it only me that thinks Brady should be treated as a human being?

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His £25 a week doesn't cover his cigarettes. He has requested to be returned to prison don't forget, and he did want to commit suicide.

If they won't let him kill himself ~ why won't they give him enough to cover his cigs?

I am coming at this from a psychi nurse point of view, whats your opinion?




  1. He should not be given anything.............When he committed these terrible crimes, he gave up any rights. I think they should let him commit suicide, it would save us a lot of public money.

    There was more to the killings that was told at the time. M<ay they both rot in h**l.

  2. Hmmm...sorry Stormy, but would you be feeling the same way - as a psychi nurse - if  your children had been his victims..... ?

  3. Only human beings deserve to be treated as human beings. Brady is a serial killer of defenceless children. That makes him a monster in my book.  

  4. he shouldve thought about having enough money to smoke before he robbed parents of their children's 18th birthday and wedding day and grandchildren for their parents

    law abiding non-murdering humans dont have the right to smoke in pubs these days, so any human rights argument on his part is laughable

  5. It's only you,

  6. Enough money to buy f**s is not human right innit? Brady should just start rolling his own.  He can buy 100 grammes of tobacco with £25.  It's his choice to smoke tailor-mades.

  7. smoking is a choice and a lot of people on the outside can't afford the luxury.

    He doesn't deserve to be treated as a human. He's lucky to have the life he has.  

  8. Stormy,

    You can possibly be the one to bring me up to date on this. Back in approx '92 we had to go to Ashworth to fill in dla claims for ALL the inmates including him. Me being naturally lucky got Owen ward which he was on then.

    Are psychi patients still allowed this? I cant see how the lower rate dla mob wouldn't cover his f**s.

    And as truly abhorrent as it is..yes his 'human rights' must be honoured as much as any-ones. To apply that to a child murderer leaves a very nasty taste though.

  9. I am a student nurse (mental health) maybe i should agree with but i can't

    if he was in my care, then of course I would give him my best care as i would be professional, but that would not alter my views that he should rot in h**l

  10. Love you honey.But i have to say,he isn't human and he shouldn't be givin money to smoke.I'd let the pig choke for one.

    And you made me give Shady a TU..Bloody h**l,am i going soft?

  11. He declared himself Non-Human at the point where he carried out the despicable murders.

    Don't forget he still refuses to give info on where the bodies are buried, thus maintaining the terrible unknown with the Parents.

    He is not Human, why is he even being given £25-00.

    Lord Longford spent a lot of misplaced time and interest (at his own detriment). The Public continually stated they wanted Brady and Hindley to rot.

    So be it!.

  12. I used to smoke, I went to college and was given a 364 pound student loan each month which I have to pay back.  This barely covered rent let alone decent food, electricity each month.  I gave up smoking.  Can I now sue my college for not giving me hardship (I don't have kids so I didnt qualify according to them, was supposed to spend every spare minute working - and not have enough time to study properly) because all I could afford to eat for months was 6p asda noodles.

    I had to give up my course before i got evicted/starved.  So no, I am not going to sympathise with someone who murdered innocent kids and then complains we aren't keeping him well enough.  He should like it or lump it.  

  13. I see where you're coming from Stormy, but he doesn't need to smoke, it's a luxury. I don't feel that he deserves the right to smoke, he's a child killer who still won't reveal to a heartbroken mother where her son's remains are buried. He cares little about anyone else but he expects people to feel sorry for him?

  14. erm IMO i think anyone that commits murder (and quite a few other crimes, but i won't go into one!!) well.. they should have NO human rights whatsoever.. they kinda forfeited the right to have rights .. IMO..

  15. From a parent point of view, he should rot, and then have a painful death.

    I love you, but yes hun, I think you are the only one.

    EDIT: Aaand, I smoke like a chimney and I manage to keep it to £25 a week on f**s!!!

    I really think that frankly, he should be tortured frequently, but that's just me. You don't even want to know what I'd do to him if it was my boys.

    EDIT: Does he?! Fook me, he needs to downgrade then if it means that much to him. How can such a wanker be such a snob about tobacco??

  16. I am of the opinion that cigarettes are a privilege - he gave up any privileges when he murdered defenceless children with his sicko girlfriend.

    He should be shut in a cold damp dungeon and left to rot with stale bread and one glass of water a day.

    Tell you what, ask the families of those poor children who had their life taken away (after being tortured).  They never even got to the age where cigarettes could become an addiction!

    In my opinion, whatever way it is looked at, human rights are waivered once you take another life.

  17. Adolf hitler, Attila the Hun, Stalin, Saddam Hussein and others were also human.

    Being human does not mean that you cannot or should not be punished for doing evil deeds and you couldn't get much more evil than Brady.

  18. i once said ...i don't hate anybody....i told a lie ...i hate child killers...and i agree with every law abiding persons comments on here...i know what i would do to this filth if i ever ran into him..he is safer in jail...perhaps...i hope im wrong.....seamanab

  19. If he had conducted himself like a normal human being then yes of course but he didn't, so he can go feck himself.

  20. You are on your own on this one.

  21. Are you talking about ian brady? If so, I always said that psychi nurses are very worrying people! shame on you!  

  22. Hi stormy,

    I think it is time for the psychi nurse to talk to the psychi Doctor,lol

    I can see what you mean the only problem is that he ain't human

  23. Good luck in defending a child killer. I'm off to get the torches and pitchforks.

  24. He didn't treat his victims as human beings. The only smoking he should be doing should be caused by the fires of h**l.

  25. The man crossed the line.where redemption is no longer possible..His crimes were so vile ,Death would have been to easy way out for him...Shocking other prisoners ground down glass and put it in its food...Rot in h**l Brady for now and ever more.

  26. £25 a week is plenty to cover tobacco.

    Not my problem if  he chooses to smoke fancy f**s.

  27. I think its only you to be honest . He chooses to smoke . Why would they let him die and give him the one thing he craves freedom . If someone is dying of cancer they are not allowed to be put out of their misery so why should he?

    I don't even think having a mental complaint is a reason for him killing the children . He did it because he enjoyed it . No other reason  

  28. Oh dear poor Brady. I tell you what I will personally  buy him a packet and then stuff them up his a....   and then set fire to them, and if that does not satisfy him, well we will go on to cigars. will that do Mr Brady ? You slime ball.

  29. Tell you what, I'll save the £25 pw and buy him a nice straight razor, which I will sharpen myself, and if he still wants to kill himself, I'll save him the bother and kill him myself, one slash for every innocent life he and that despicable mate of his tortured and killed, and taped their torment, oh yes, I would also video it and post it on the web.

    You are on your own with this one.

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