
Is it or NOT?

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Is it true that insurance agents make a ton of money? I've heard it quite a bit and was wondering if its true or not. If yes, how much? And how??




  1. Some do, some don't, like almost any other career

  2. Like any salesperson job, the amount of money made depends how many customers they have.  They recieve a percentage based each customer they sign.  If your looking to start an insurance agency the first thing I would check is how saturated the market is in your area.  I believe that most insurance salespeople are like distributors, they are allowed to sell insurance only as long as they meet goals set by the franchise, so job security is also an issue.

  3. A few agents, make a lot of money.  But most - 95% - wash out.  

    Yes, it's HARD drumming up those leads.  And you have to work 60 - 80 hours those first few years, knocking on doors, and making cold calls, to establish your book of business.

  4. search it on websites

  5. I started out with life insurance sales....

    They provide you leads (people who are asking for life insurance) and you visit them and sell it to them..... pretty easy.  Alot of other programs don't give you a lead (filled out by the prospect - in their own handwritting) But it makes it easier because when they see you at their door, with a peice of paper in your hand that they CLEARLY filled out - you're not a door-to-door're there because they wanted you to come by!  Then they give you names & #s of their friends who might want the same you can go to them & say "Your buddy, Mr Jones told me to come by"!

    They have an excellent selling system & training - and no - I don't make anything for sending you to them anymore - I built up my customer base & no longer need the training & leads.

    With the Davies Group I made about $900/day doing this.

    I've since opened an office & also sell Property & Casualty products (auto & house) - and I no longer have to be in my car!   I bring in over 150K/yr

    ***EDIT***Can you "afford" to stay there & help your boss build the business??? Is your boss taking your advice & ideas for bringing business in???  Most people who start out with their boss like you are & can wait out the slow period are compensated well for doing so.

    If your answer is NO - then I'd start job-hunting!

  6. If you are at a loss for leads, you might try buying Internet-generated insurance leads from a reputable provider. An Internet lead is pre-qualified in the sense that the consumer has proactively performed a search with a search engine, looking for a solution to an insurance need. The consumer has then taken the time to fill out an online form, requesting a quote. The consumer knows he or she will be called, and actually wants to be called! A good lead provider “scrubs” the lead to make sure the data is valid before sending it to you. All of this is done in seconds after the consumer fills out the form, so the lead can delivered to you in “real time.” Real-time leads are more expensive than older leads, sometimes known as “vintage” lead or “aged” leads. These leads can still be viable because they may be only a couple days old. I recommend contacting You can check them out at  The nice thing about is that they enhance their homeowners insurance leads with real estate data from First American Financial, so you have a better handle on how serious and qualified the lead is. Good luck!
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