
Is it our government protocol to change gear box on yearly basis?

by  |  earlier

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I mean the government's car, not ours!




  1. gila

  2. so they can makan duit

  3. Yup if the money is like rain falling from the sky ... sure got money coming  ... it is true when the workshop said the payment from the Government is always overdue ... up to 2 months ... actually 2 months is not too bad ... I heard from friends in Gindy land ( I mean Ginduras in Sabah) that there are some contractors who were unable to claim for their works when the state government were changed i.e. from PBS to you know what ... they were given about-turn, U-turn, no-turn, marathon-around-the-bushes ... until they fed up and don't want to claim anymore .... kesian

    The only time those fellas will be thrifty if there are accountability on their actions ... but in Malaysia Bolehland, enforcement is slack and awareness is hopleless ....

  4. Better lean from new Peneng State Government !

  5. No, it's just a rumour..

  6. ^


    unless government sponsor us the money for gear box change on yearly basis..

    we'll be glad to oblige!!

    ADD :

    LOL..i thought our own car...

    government's car ar?

    dont care lah...just dont pungut more tax from us..

  7. that is the most stupid excuse i ever hear!!!

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