
Is it our responsibility or the responsibility of the govt to keep the environment clean?

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pls elaborate on your answer.




  1. Individually, its your responsibility.    For things you cannot control, like mercury discharge, its the governments.

  2. It is both, sorry but I could not choose one over the other, while we as individuals need to do all that is possible to help clean up the environment,

    and would be enough if everyone would feel the same way, but unfortunately not every one seem to care about the environment, and we do need the government to regulate certain emissions.

    We can look at what happened in California in the late 80's and early 90's when car manufacturers were required to supply electric cars, and what happened when those requirements were lifted.

    but we can also look at us as individuals who have continued to buy Gas powered cars, looking for more power, and convenience, instead of waiting until we were offered a car that was environmentally friendly.

  3. I used to think it is everyone's responsibilty, but sometimes, it seems like one needs to make her point known and one obvious way would be to litter. I know it's against the law in Singapore but Singapore have too many restrictions. Anyway, it is not 高楼抛物, so it should be ok. Just some wrappers. It's nothing compared to murders, robberies, or rape.

  4. It's Everyone's responsibility as Human Beings to take care of our one and only home.  

  5. definitely our responsibility! it only goes to show how we as a nation thinks. would we cherish and safeguard our natural resources since we all know that we wont survive without it! think of all the dissastersand calamity that will fall upon us if we neglect our duty to preserve nature! decipline is what we all need!! give and take!we should bring back what we take away. its the only way!!

  6. Both. The government has the power to pass strict laws regarding pollution standards and prevention. Ours- we can choose to actually make sure our trash makes it in the can rather than on the side of the freeway later. Recycle more, and compost food scraps after eating. The time to start is now, the fight against global warming has just begun, and the government and the citizens need to each do their own part, as mentioned forehand. Start at home, recycle, compost, don't litter. Here in San Francisco, they've banned plastic bags at stores, paper only, that's a start, but it goes to show that any length of at least trying can make a big difference no matter where, when, what, or how. Just keep your chin up, and never give up.

  7. It is the responsibility of everyone who lives on the planet. Not only do we need to take personal action to ensure that we are living a sustainable life. We need to ensure that the government has the longterm health of the planet in mind and not the short term financial gain of a few industries.

  8. its everybodys

    the government should be releasing things to people about taking care of our environment. and they should be enforcing laws about keeping it healthy. everybody should be recycling and cleaning up i mean the earth gave us a home and shouldnt we take care of it? if you look at canada they have a great technique on changing their ways to help keep the environment clean. also they recycle a lot up there

  9. Since we are responsible for our government, it is our responsibility by default.

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