
Is it out-of-line 4 Obama to say"Sarah Palin has no foreign policy exp & HEARTBEAT away from Presidency?''?

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The inference is clear. McCain being 72. A "HEARTBEAT" away? As if he is on deaths door? Age is an attribute and should be appreciated. Too much of our throw-away society does not give the knowledge that comes with experience any regard. It is NOT a detriment or drawback, instead a quality that brings solutions in crisis.

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  1. Every VP is a heartbeat away from the oval office and History has shown that there can be times when the VP has to step in and take over the presidency,

    And no it is not out of line to bring up the ZERO foreign policy experience

    the GOP &  McCain would do the same thing if Obama has picked the Gov of the State of New York David Patterson

  2. Gee, my reply would be that Obama has no foreign policy experience and it's HIS heart! No one in between.

    If the President is qualified, it makes good sense to pick a younger, greener VP, unlike the Dem position, to do the opposite!

  3. no but its pretty humorous  

  4. that was very uncool of obama...that's heartless

  5. same as obama   and he is going for  the prez

  6. No.

  7. All I have heard from liberals today is how Sarah Palin is not experienced enough to be a heart beat away from the presidency. She has THE SAME amount of experience as Barack Obama. Obama would not be heart beat away, he WOULD BE the president, with the same lack of experience as Palin. Why do liberals not get this fact??

  8. The VP of everyone is a heartbeat away from the presidency you stooge. There is literally no one else who comes next before the VP.

  9. He who is lacking the experience is pointing this out about someone who actually has more experience then he.  Palin has a 80% approval rating for her job as a governer in 21 months and that is unheard of in the political world.  Obama and the Senate have a 6% approval rating.  Palin  has done wonders with the economy in Alaska, the Senate and Congress have put us in financial distress and then Pelosi has the nerve to tell Americans to "drill their head" instead of drilling for oil.  Palin is not corrupt and she will not tolerate the BS that has gone on in the House and Senate for the last two years.  I say when getting that call at 3am Palin would be the best women for the job compared to Obama who has voted present on any bill that he has been presented with.  He can't even figure out where he stands on any issue, the king of flip-flopping.  Liberals get nasty when they are threatened.  Expect to hear a whole slew of bashing coming from Obama the next 2 months.  The truth is Palin is more qualified to lead then Obama is.  McCain made the best decision and he won't be dying any time soon he has many years of positive things to do for America.

  10. Obama would look silly attacking someone's experience.

  11. You never know in this life one has to live.  No, I don't think he has any room to throw rocks.

  12. Well he nothing but bring on Joe Biden. Obama is not one to talk experience. He has no experience with bugeting an economy like she has, never had to fight politicans in a state assembly, she has. Obama is a joke.

  13. Yes especially since he is on the top of the ticket with less experience than her.  

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