
Is it over for Obama now..........?

by Guest56453  |  earlier

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Is it OVER for Obama now that McCain has chosen such a wonderful running mate in Sarah Palin?




  1. Mccain will win, why?

    66% of Americans who condem the Iraq war and dont support Obama, then theres something really wrong with the american people.

    Imagine if a women was raped and she had to keep her child. How sick and cruel is that under Palin's Leadership.

    I think the election is rigged, pass it on.

  2. It is truly sad to read the responses to this question. To see all of these uninformed American's become so quick to judge and have their mind-set on someone who is nothing more than a motivational speaker.

    Do you really want our president to be against war? To refuse to recite our nation's pledge? To socialize with the man who bombed the pentagon?

    This is truly scary that so many Americans are even considering Obama.

    I was an uninformed American until I started doing my homework. Stop flipping through channels and briefly listening to speeches. Wake up.

    Obama will be exposed within the next few months, and all of you will walk away with your tail between your legs.  

  3. LOL ..... don't you mean is't it over for McCain for picking such a right wing nut job?

    she is anti abortion, anti envornment, anti same s*x marriage,anti medical marijuana, has no political experiance etc..........

  4. There's smoke in the cockpit!

    This suckers going down!

  5. Not everyone thinks that she's wonderful.  I personally think she's terrible, worse than McCain, and can't stand her policies.

  6. Sweet republican dreams....

  7. I sure hope so. It is like a cloud of impending doom looming over our wonderful country.

  8. It will be in November!

  9. I think Obama's inexperience and foolish associations with Marxist elements were enough to keep him out of the oval office, Palin just seals the deal.

  10. Only in your dreams.  

  11. No, I'd be more worried for Mccain if I were you....

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