
Is it over for good?

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hi my friend just suddenly sent me all these messages cussing me out saying i am a waste of time and nobody cares about me.he and me were best friends and told each other hes doing this.hes going to be dead in 5 months and i don't want it to end like this but our words were already too strong and we cant take them back.i feel horrible and sick and i cant get it out of my mind.i used to cut secretly and ive stopped and now i feel like doing it again.i told my parents what he did and they said forget about him but I'm so confused because now his ex my other best friend is being a little mean nothing like him but just not caring about me...i don't know what to do but please help me i need it bad....please help.thanks




  1. It's not worth spending your time on somebody that cusses you out and thinks you are a waste of time. They are the real waste of time. I know nobodoy in your position would wnat something to end like that, but some things just can't be helped. Just try to not think about him; it will be hard at first, but you will feel so much better once you forgot about him.

  2. let me tell you something hunny!

    he is not worth your TIME!! i know hes your bf but shweety!....people change!

    find someone better! get a best gf!!!

    idk. just forget about that fool cause you dont deserve it!!

    good luck! = )

  3. Nothing can be over unless you or him don't want to be friends.Love and forgiveness is a very powerful thing.You said he's going to die in 5month should give you both reason to be friends and love one another.Life is short

  4. if he did it for no apparent reason, and he's been doing that to others, then maybe he doesn't want them to be sad when he dies.

    btw, how do you know he's going to die in 5 months?

    but anyway, if that is the reason, i think you should stick with him.

    i know he was really rude to you, but it sounds like he's going through a rough time. i know this sounds kinda weird, but he did it for you, he needs a friend.

  5. babe, he's doing it for your own good, so you will think he's a jerk and then you wont be depressed when he dies... its kind of sad, but he has to do it because he loves you.[as a friend or more.., whatever your relationship is]

  6. I know this might sound odd just let him go. I think it is better to let him live out the rest of his life the way he wants to. I don't know some people just can't be saved so to speak. You can still love him as a friend, but I would not tolerate him if all he ever gives you now is abuse.  I wish there was something I could do to just like wave a wand and make this problem go away for you, but I can't. There is no easy solution to this situation.  

  7. dont give up on friendship, it ist ment to be easy, true friends anlways say things they dont meen then they have to work through it, like soeone else said life is short and if you dont talk to him again in 5 months and he dies you will have all of these untold feels and it will be hard to deel with

    ~true friendship never dies~  

  8. if hes gonna die in like 5 months he is just angry. i suggest eating barbecue chicken with him. everyone loves it. its pretty much an o****m in the form of food. but I'm only like 13 so if ur older and wiser just do what u want.

    but i still think my chicken idea is still very good. even if he was really mad after his 1st bite of the chicken he will forget his trobles, kind of like a drug but food.

  9. deleted u off myspace oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  10. u need jesus...............

  11. you have to talk to him

    if you lose your chance

    you'll ALWAYS regret it.

    dont let your friendship slip away for good.

    it sounds like that is what hes doing to you.

    but you gotta talk to him.

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