
Is it painful if you get knocked out by the sleeper hold ?

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Is it painful if you get knocked out by the sleeper hold ?




  1. Well, since wrestling is fake I would say a sleeper hold does nothing to you. If you really want to put someone to sleep try a rear naked choke.

  2. don't know never been knocked out by a sleeper hold before

  3. Well you wouldn't know, your knocked out.

  4. Yea I think there would be some pain at first, then you go night night and no more pain.........that is until you wake up

  5. No it isn't painful you just go unconcious for a moment because of lack of air flow but there is no pain that lasts or anything like that

  6. No,it knocks you dont feel a thing.

  7. No, if applied properly, it doesn't hurt at all, since all it is doing is pinching shut the arteries in your neck that supply blood to the brain. You just pass out.

    Not something you should actually do to someone, though, since if you leave it on too long, it can cause brain damage or death.

  8. Hold on...

    lemme go get Undertaker and he'll show you.

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