
Is it paranormal to feel vibrations in all my muscles when resting?

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sometimes i get vibrations in my head, neck, chest back, arms, legs, etc




  1. Do you live in Los Angles? If so then its normal.

  2. It sounds like there is definitely a physical problem going on, it would be best to go to a doc about it.

    As for the feeling of dropping onto the bed, I use to have the same sensations. It turns out that I would prop up one of my legs while I was asleep and when it would drop it would wake me up. Since I had been asleep (or almost asleep) my perception of the sensation was that my whole body was falling.

  3. Check into the RLS theory.

  4. Vibrations--do they feel like you're leaning against the washing machine while it's in the spin cycle? I get that, and it happens I think when either my guardian angels are doing something to my chakras or I'm getting energy coming into all my chakras at once. I'm not entirely sure, to be honest, but it has something with the chakras and energy coming in through them. Nothing to worry about. :)

    Happen to feel tingling at all while it's happening? Your heart feels like it's going to pound right out of your chest, and you feel breathless, like you can't catch your breath? Or the top of your head feels like your brain is either swelling or like there's a thousand soft fingers very gently messaging the top of your head? those are all sensations you get when energy is coming in through the chakras.


    oh, and the thundering noise and feeling as if you're being dropped into bed--when you wake up that way are you unusually tired? Cause I used to do that a lot, and they sound like classic signs that you've been astral traveling, as in out of body experience. I do it almost every night, but I never remember where I've been.

  5. Are you taking any medication? Sometimes medication will have side effects when you're lying down.  Maybe you should take this question to the Health section.Does it happen when you lie down in different beds or different rooms...or only in a certain place? Also, it could have something to do with your circulation.

  6. Yes,it must be.Anytime you see,hear or feel anything.If you instantly can't figure out what it is..It's absolutely paranormal.This way,given enough time,you can have many paranormal experiences.Soon you'll be an expert.

  7. No

  8. Try taking a calcium+magnesium 1/2 hr - 1 hr before lying down.  

    If you really do have RLS that should help.  

    If you don't.... seek refuge in God.  Paranormal beings don't give a hoot about you, they will play with you just for the sake of messing with your head.  Best to avoid them.

  9. No, it just means that you have low blood sugar and are suffering from the effects of hypoglycemia.  Drink some orange juice.

  10. I would say that it's not paranormal and there's nothing wrong with you.  I have restless leg syndrome, but I don't think that's what you're talking about.  I've felt the vibrations that you're talking about as well.  I think it's just something about being in a super relaxed state and what it does to the blood flow in your body.  If it's not unpleasant, painful, or uncomfortable I wouldn't worry about it.  If it is any of those things, you may indeed wish to speak with a doctor.  Otherwise, I think it's totally natural.

  11. not paranormal at all, see a doctor though

  12. They call it RLS, its a sleeping disorder. Its usually only felt in the legs, which is why its known as Restless Leg Syndrom, but its not unheard of for someone to have it in other parts of the body.

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