
Is it part of company policy to make their employees feel like they're replaceable rather than letting them?

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think they're doing a great job? I try VERY hard to do the absolute best I can but I feel that I'm not appreciated or valued AT ALL. It's so frustrating and I feel like just quiting.




  1. I once worked for a cable company in the technical training department. Many of these technicians would open up to me with complaints about their job and how they're treated by management. Once I brought this up to the HR manager and her response was, "If they don't like what they're doing, they can quit. Every time we put out a call for new-hire technicians, there are hundreds of applicants lined up outside to apply for the job."

    I was blown away by that attitude. What it fosters is a bunch of employees who feel that the company doesn't care about them in the least. This would then lead to employees doing just the bare minimum to keep their job and they wouldn't care if they s***w something up that costs the company money.

    In the telecommunications company I've been with for the last 12 years, they very much value, appreciate, and reward employees who go out and do the best they can do. If their performance begins to slip, they go out of their way to offer programs designed to bring their performance back up. This company realizes that it has a lot of time, money, and energy invested in each and every employee. And, they do what they can to retain the people they currently have on the payroll.

    It's actually very motivating to like your job and know that, if you make a mistake, the company sees it as a learning experience for everyone. I tell people that my employer is experimenting with as stress-free a working environment as possible to see what effect that has on productivity. And, it seems to be working very well.

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