
Is it permissable for a Muslim to lie about their religion to escape serious danger or death?

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I've read that this is allowed but was a little surprised. Isn't it true that a God not dying for is a God not living for? Who would lie about what they truly belief, even if it means death? Wouldn't dying because of their religion grant a person paradise? Is it different for shiites and sunnis?




  1. yes dying because of our religion may grant a paradise...but this life is a gift from god and we have to respect it and care it any how.....someone can surely lie about religion if its really a danger to death.....coz its internal intention which counts.....  

  2. Can you be more specific like giving us what have you read? i agree with muslim rose

  3. there are two options in islam.we say roohsat and aziimet.

    if u meet a serious danger or death(cos these situations is not be endurable),u can deny what u believe(u have to do this just with ur tongue not with ur heart)this is roohsat.

    however much this is allowed(mubah) in islam if u dont lie it and say truth,they will kill you and islamic scholars say that he/she will be martyr inshallah.Allah knows best.

  4. well i think u got it wrong..

    can u show me ur source or what made u think so first so that i can explain to u?!!

    ps: i think there are many trolls answers in here ,i  get surprised at ppl's hate!toos ad and pathetic.

  5. the quran says so

    its true

  6. People who think like you are perfectly cut out for blind craziness like Islam.

    Hey, also I hear if you blow yourself up in the name of Islam you get a fast track to Paradise and 72 <s>raisins</s> virgins.  Isn't that worth dying for?

  7. Do you think you will get an honest answer.

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