
Is it physically possible for a g*y person to have straight s*x?

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I mean like if a g*y guy and a woman got together would they be able to... you know... :) like since there's no stimulus for the g*y guy, would he still be able to have s*x? Or would he not be able to get it up lol. Just interested, ty in advance




  1. Common sense plays a role in this answer.  If a man becomes aroused while with a women what do you think he will do if the women is a willing participant.  He will follow his male in stint and stick it in.

  2. Of course they could physically. They just do not feel the desire to. They are not biologically oriented to feel that desire or drive.

  3. im pretty sure its always possible to have s*x,,

    especiallyy when you just wantt somee.

  4. Eww, just thinking about it gives me the willies. I'm sure threrer are some who can do it but not me.

  5. I did a long time ago.  It didn't stop me from being and I and didn't enjoy myself.

  6. not phsically imposible more like emotionally impossible although some people may be able to

  7. i think any s*x might be enjoyable? any g**s thinks so? -i am not g*y?

  8. Depends on the guy, of course, but most g*y men are able to do the deed, although they probably don't enjoy it as much as being with another man. And there's the emotional component of a happy intimate relationship, which is generally missing when a g*y man has a sexual relationship with a woman.

    Remember that throughout most of history, being openly g*y was impossible.  Up until only very recently, g*y and L*****n people have had to stay closeted, most often by marrying members of the opposite s*x, having kids, and putting up a facade of heterosexuality.  So there's nothing new in the idea of g*y men having straight s*x; they've been doing it for centuries.

  9. what if the woman was Chyna and he did her from behind?  he'd probably be able to enjoy that...

  10. Of course it's physically possible.  Most often, g**s have "straight s*x" because that's what's always been expected of them.  Many g*y men are fathers.

  11. Absolutely. I was married for 8 years and am g*y. I was in denial and was hoping living a straight life would change my feelings or orientation but it did not. You are who you are, I know that now. But yeah, s*x is still possible just not real enjoyable and it takes longer to o****m because of that.

  12. Yea, it might not be as enjoyable, but of course its possible... :)

  13. lol, if he fantasized and really tried, though i dout he'd enjoy it...

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