
Is it physically possible to will your heart to beat faster?

by  |  earlier

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I was just curious. Can you *make* your heart beat faster without getting nervous or excited, or exercising?

Or is your heart not controlled by that part of the brain that controls movement? Does the heart only respond to adrenaline?

If someone could explain, that would be awesome. Thanks!




  1. Yes.  Not recommended though.  All you have to do is... well, think about being nervous or excited.

  2. You are talking about mind over matter. There are some mystics, Yoga teachers who can slow and almost stop their heart beat by using the power of their mind, so why can't it be possible to make it beat faster by thinking it. Caution to all who want to experiment in this direction, it takes years of practice to accomplish this skill and is dangerous for novices to try.


  3. when u get startled

  4. Yes some people can do it. Some can even slow their pulse.

  5. no, the muscles that surround the heart is called the cardiac muscles and their action is involuntary.

  6. Yes, very definitely so. This can be trained with nothing more complex than a heart rate monitor that the subject can see and hear. The feedback mechanism undoubtedly uses the adrenalin system, but it is evident from feedback training that we can control this.

    We can also be trained to adjust galvanic skin response, again with nothing more strange than being strapped into a lie detector and playing with it for a while. With these two skills one can make fools of those who monitor both to decide whether one is lying.

  7. Not possible. Heart responds to exercise, anxiety ,adrenaline,disease,

    tranquility,rest,drugs, etc.

  8. Of course,

    For instance, if you make yourself nervous, or start exercising furiously, there will be an increased release norepinpherine from the sympathetic plexus innervating the left ventricle. In addition activation of the sympathetic branch of the autonomic also cause the release of epinepherine from the adrenal medulla of the adrenal gland and this circulates, via the blood stream, to the heart. Both stimulate the β1 adrenergic receptors located in the membrane of cardiac muscle cells causing an increase in cAMP in the cell and causing an increase in heart rate, intractability and propagation of action potential.

    Another way is to hyperventilate, see increasing respiration causes pressure changes in the chest and help to quickly drive venous blood back to the heart. Contracting muscles in the leg and calf have the same affect. Unlike in skeletal muscles, the distance between the contractile proteins actin and myosin are NOT at an optimal overlap but are closer, more blood to the heart moves to proteins to a more optimal overlap and this allows for more force to be generated and increases the pump function of the heart.

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