
Is it plagiarism to ask for help in art and be inspired by an idea a friend gave?

by Guest45285  |  earlier

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Is it plagiarism to ask for help in art and be inspired by an idea a friend gave?




  1. not at all, if you were inspired then no. many great artists thrive on inspiration from people/ other artists and animals. inspiration is what makes great art.

    have a nice day =)

  2. No. My teacher in art was just saying that that's what all designers do! Take other peoples ideas and make them better! As long as your friend doesn't do the work for you.

  3. Nope.  Most ideas have been done before and all inspiration has to come from something, someone or somewhere.

  4. No. It is only plagiarism if the friend

    has had his/her idea published and then

    you copied it and claimed it as yours.

  5. No, because you're not copying their work. You're just taking ideas from them, and your ideas have to be inspired by something.


  6. No there is no copyright in ideas.

  7. No.  In a nutshell plagarism is copying someone elses work exactly.  If your friend just gave you an idea then you're fine.

  8. No...but it would always be appreciated if you would acknowledge another person's input

  9. Nope because unless your friends idea is a published idea and you are going to copy that published idea....then it is not plagiarism. It is only plagiarism when you copy verbatim another persons idea or creation that is published!!

  10. Nope. Artists are inspired by the things around them, including ideas from other people. It would be plagiarism to see her work and then make something exactly (or almost exactly) like it.

  11. You can always acknowledge the source of your idea.

    This is often the case that an artist picks up on something that other artists do or say and then go off and make a piece of work related to that inspiration. We all do it.

    The person who gave you the idea, if she did so willingly, has no recourse if you use it. She would have to prove it was her idea and this would be difficult unless she had already done work herself using this idea.

    They say that as long as something is different (30%) from the original idea it won't breach copyright. Many textile artists change and tweak old or other ideas and turn out a brand new textile. The above was something told to me by a lecturer not that long ago.

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