
Is it pointless that Rags to Riches won since she can't stud like male horses? Why?

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It's great a filly won but not too many offspring will result from her unless she becomes Paris Hilton!




  1. That is the most untrue statement I have seen in quite awhile. This filly's foals ( assuming she lives long enough to have a foal and doesn't break down the way Ruffian, Go for Wand, and Pine Island all did and get put down as a result) will be worth millions of dollars a piece. There will be people standing in line for the privilege of breeding their stallions to her- and who knows, with her speed and stamina, she could become the mother of the next Triple Crown winner. Pointless win? HARDLY !!!! She is one of the best fillies ever to come along, and I look forward to seeing what she can do this fall and next spring. Another thing, if Rags to Riches survives the rest of the year, and is able to live long enough to produce a foal, then she will be able to have a new foal each spring until she is in her 20's or even her 30's, as long as her teeth are strong enough to allow her to eat enough. That's a LOT of foals in one lifetime. I would hope for the best for her. Just my thoughts....

  2. Being the first filly in 102 YEARS to win at Belmont is an unbelievable feat.... ANY foal this mare might have will garner MILLIONS so pointless?  NOT HARDLY....this horse just made HISTORY ....could you imagine what the price would be for a foal of Rags to Riches and Street Sense or Curlin (winners of the Derby and Preakness)????    Don't kick a filly before you send her out to the pasture---this horse is going to produce some VERY EXPENSIVE offspring.

  3. Hey, think about this, though...if her owners decide to breed her to a stud, such as Curlin, Hard Tack, or any of the big named studs, think of that foal's potential!  I bet Rags to Riches can be a great broodmare, once she retires from racing.  Therefore, it's not pointless at all.

  4. No!  Mares' offspring are much more valuable because there are less of them.

  5. I will take a momentary break from my usual sarcastic answers to questions like this and give an answer assuming you don't know any better.

    In the world of breeding the mare is far more important than the stallion (take Johannesburg's 2% stakes winners per foals, but retards line up to pay double they could have 2 years ago, or really any other over bred mickmore, sorry coolmore stallion).  If the stud was that important you could find any filly in the world, breed it to Kingmambo and get a graded winner.  But thankfully things don't work that way, and for the most part the female family has a big deal to do with how the prospective foal will run.  Rags will be bred to probably Fu Peg in Coolmores last ditch effort to prove that that horse can produce a horse who can win, without getting its own way, once even she can't produce a decent horse from him she will visit Giant's Causeway until they find somebody that can replace him, which I don't think they can, he is their only top class stud, whose stats are not skewed by massive books, (even though he was bred to big books he produced some nice ones).

    So what I'm trying to say is that a top class filly while not financially more valuable than a stallion is much more important to a breeding operation.  The stallions she will be bred to will breed mares that have never won a race, so when ahe is bred to the same stud, the possibilities are endless.

  6. Hello?  R to R is just as valuable as a brood mare as are the stallions as sires. Both Flying Colors and Genuine Risk produced foals (though GR only one). Thus, it is NOT pointless in any sense.  Somehow, I don't think you thought than one through.

  7. Pointless?  I can think of 600,000 reasons why it wasn't pointless.

  8. She is still a highly desired mare and her few offspring will sell well.

  9. Pointless?  This hardly deserves a answer. But, in my opinion.  Rags To Riches ran a great race, she is so deserving but even if she had finished last, she would be a great mare with her bloodline alone.  Do you really know who she has in the line?  AP Indy, Seattle Slew and Secretariat on her Mom's side.  And by the way, her victory also increased the cost of any foals that are out of her Mom.

    Pointless?  The reason to run in a race is to WIN and She did that.

  10. Who cares.  She deserved the win!

  11. Personally, I don't think it is pointless.  Right now she is probably considered one of, if not the best filly in the racing world.  If her pedigree was a reason people thought she could win, I bet people would want her foals.  Besides, why let geldings run?  Why let colts race at all if they haven't been examined reproductive wise?  They could win, then it be discovered that they are sterile.  So, again, it was not a pointless win in my opinion.  Not only does it help her, it helps the other horses related to her.

  12. I have to laugh at your question. My apologies, but I do.

    Have you ever seen a mare in heat? Paris Hilton's hussy ways have NOTHING on a mare ready for breeding! :)

    I look at it this way: Cigar, back in 1994 (I think) won a couple of big stakes races and when he went to stand at stud he commanded something along the lines of $1-2 MILLION to cover a mare.

    On the bare bones level of boy vs. girl, I don't see anything special about him that commanded that price. I'm not talking about his breeding or his potential as a racehorse, I'm talking about the simple fact that Cigar is male.

    R to R, on the other hand, broke a 102 y/o record, and became only the 3rd filly in the ENTIRE HISTORY of the Belmont to win. The way I see it, when her head crossed under the wire ahead of Curlin's, her breeding fee, if there is one, just jumped 1000%, minimum.  

    Whereas mares were lined up around the block to be bred to Cigar, I think a select few studs will be doing the same thing for the next several years for Miss Rags to Riches.

  13. She can produce a colt, and even if he doesn't go as far as she did in his racing career, he will still be a valuable stud because of his bloodline.  Also, this just boosted her stable's popularity, her breeder's popularity, her trainer's popularity, and her jockey's popularity, and in so doing made them very sought after.  How is all that pointless?

    People wouldn't be "ragging on" you if you had thought a bit more before asking such a silly question.  Running any s*x of horse in a big race/race series like the Triple Crown is never "pointless", because the owners, jockeys, stables, breeders and trainers get more benefits from the horse's winning, placing, showing, or even just by being there, besides its breeding ability.

  14. You are funnier than Kenny Mayne......send your bits to ESPN! In a breeding sense - which is where the major $$$ is nowadays, having a filly win a classic is like a gelding crossing the wire first.

    In a sports sense, it is a great story and the industry needs some great news coming off the track.

    She has regal bloodlines through her sire and dam, so she was already going to be bred to only the best of the best. But it will be interesting to see if she has a summer schedule that will find her going after victories in the classics versus the guys.

  15. The point is, she won and it was a great race.

    I Cr 13;8a

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