
Is it poisonus to drink someone elses urine?

by  |  earlier

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I have a couple, ahem, friends that are involved in p**n and they are looking for a girl that is willing to participate in something like this...any clinical proof?




  1. it wont hurt her, but thats friggin disgusting....

  2. yes, urine is a toxic thats why we p**s it out and thats why it hurts if u keep it in ur bladder. check the internet.

  3. I read to my daughter this biological facts book about the human body that states urine is so clean you can drink it - it's 99% water but the book warns not to drink it.

  4. No, it is not poisonous to drink urine, however proper precautions should be taken if she is to consume someone else's urine, STDs, and other infectious diseases carried by bodily liquids.

    Urine is largely comprised of water that has been filtered through the body as part of the body’s ongoing process of flushing out waste products. Therefore safe, and possibly even healthy (in moderation!) according to some scientists.

  5. its not poisonous. urine is mostly water. it isnt sanitary tho, might be some bacteria in there.

    she may vomit from the grossness of it all.

    nonetheless...good luck 2 ur friends finding a daring enough girl

  6. WTF?? That is sick

  7. It's gross.

    But I do not think it is poisonus.

  8. Not if you spit

  9. No.  It's gross, but harmless in moderation.   Urine is sterile.

  10. Only if the person has a virus or bacterial infection, otherwise; it's sterile. Off the subject, if you ever get stung by a jellyfish, urinate on the sting area and it will be neutralized.

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