
Is it polite or condescending to say "gracias" to your server in a Mexican restaurant?

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I don't mean Chi-Chi's. I mean authentic Mexican restaurants that are run by first- and second-generation immigrants from Mexico. I always want to say "gracias," but I just say "thank you" instead because I don't want to insult anyone. What do you think?




  1. yes it is real polite to say garcias when you at a mexican restaurant all way's

  2. It is polite and thoughtful...And you are a very polite and thoughtful lady.

  3. Absolutely it is acceptable.  It means the exact same thing to them.  You would not think it inappropriate for them to say Thank you in English so why would it be condescending to say it in spanish to them?  They probably don't even notice.  I practice my spanish anytime I am around Mexicans and they seem to appreciate it.

  4. hey u should say it i mean if they want to run a nice authentic resturaunt they should not be mad at someone who's sending them a compliment and even in their own language

  5. Polite. I believe that any attempt to speak someones native tongue is a compliment.

  6. It is appropriate to say thank you in Spanish if you're in a Mexican restaurant.  People like to hear the should of their native language.

  7. nope, it  is fine. It shows a  bit  of respect ,and acceptance  too.

  8. not if there mexicn.

  9. You can say it, nothing wrong with it; it is their language after all.

  10. It is polite.

  11. In the United States, say thank you.  Most servers in Mexican restaurants in the States are so removed from being Mexican that Gracias is silly.  A simple thank you will do it.  On the other hand, saying gracias in a mexican restaurant  would never be condescending.  It would merely be part of the ambience.  Are you so into political correctness that you worry about these things?  How can being polite in any language be condescending?  Give it up already.

  12. I think that's fine.  You're just getting into the theme of the restaurant.  I've been to French restaurants where the waiters say some words in French even though they're not French (the owners might be, but not all the waiters are), so to say thanks in French to them would be acceptable.  Same with Mexican.  Try it and see.

  13. Its 100% polite to say "gracias" even if you dont say it right they will understand you.

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