Due to a recent visit from the Queen, upon which I had the fortune to represent my Local OAP Club on our recent and most welcome Lottery Funded addition to our fine Club, a beautifully restored and superbly Landscaped new Patio and Garden Table and Chair set, reminiscent of the Victorian fashion of that glorious time, which naturally warranted a visit from HM. . . I had the ghastly misfortunate of forgetting to put me old Falsies in!
Also, I forget to chew up a Mars Bar. Instead of flashing me Charming Ivories and a Witticism designed to dazzle our Dear Lady, out came this Bloody Brown thing which slowly tumbled out me face like a Lazy Salamander. Hers was a picture let me say. Oooof!
Well, is that IMPOLITE in her eyes, or maybe she knows the trials of people with said lack of teeth and such?