Not far from the Village lays a beautiful and Ancient Forest. Untouched, it is thought to be as old as Britain itself. Awash with Legends and Lore that has bewitched all and sundry with awe and fear.
I decided to don Hiking Shoes, a Club disguised as a Staff and a Knapsack full of Sandwiches, Penguin Bars, crisps and Pop, and venture into this Wonderland of Ancient Briton.
An hour went by, the air was still, the babble of the Brook that cut through the Lushness of the Forest and the heady smells served as a soothing mop to my Whiskered Brow as I sat on top a felled old Gnarled Trunk to watch a Kingfisher cast it's keen eye for an unsuspecting snack from the clear waters. I lit up a Pipe, and sung in a favorable Baritone "Shall We Gather At The River?" Nice little Hymn, quite apt too, seeing as I was bloody sitting next to one Begad.
When all of a sudden a rustling behind me could be heard, turning around I could see a large Bushel rustling as if a squirrel was foraging for nuts or building a little House. Hullo! Thinks I, when suddenly this strange voice popped out! "Helloooooo. " It went, "Ooooooh! I say, helloooooooo!"
Well, it gave me a start, let me just say. But quickly I remembered some of the Stories my Grandmother would tell me as a Youngster. Goblins! Could it be true thinks I, or Pixies? Maybe a Faerie?
I hastily pulled out a Penguin Biscuit and went about enticing the little Critter with it, when out he came!
Boing! He leapt out with the strangest Garb I've ever seen! Clad in a leather Vest, a Cap embellished with Metal Star shaped Studs, and a garish pair of Red Leather Boots! It's a Forest Minstrel I ruminated as the fellow pranced around me skipping Gaily and doing the most Comical little handstands. By Jove! I shouted Hurrah! And clapped as he sang a Folk song . "La la la! Tra-la-la-la-la-lee!" He went. I assumed it was in Elfish or something as he jabbered some. But, the hairs on my neck stood on end as I realized he had no Pants on!
He then rolled on his back and .. . .well, I couldn't handle this methinks, so I Clubbed him one, so he wouldn't follow me. Knocked him out as it were.
Well? This never happened in my day in Forests and stuff, is the whole land turning Sordid or what?