
Is it polite to order more beer than I could possibly drink on a miserable train ride to liven things up?

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What if I allow the beer cans to roll around on the tray, onto the floor, and my neighbor's lap? And with the tabs open too?

I've some traveling in the near future via rail, and I'm just trying to draw the line between what is and is not polite.




  1. If it is more than you could possibly drink, before you start letting it roll around, you might find yourself downright popular if you shared it with your train mates. In fact you could be the center of attention either way.

  2. Good manners are like jazz, if you need to ask you'll never know.

  3. Ed-e-cut (can't spell that word) has nothing to do with what you're suggesting.  If your idea of livening things up includes throwing half full beer cans on the floor and in your neighbors laps, go for it.  The conductor may have you get off at the next stop, and/or one of your neighbors may punch you in the head, but that's the risk you run to relieve the tedium.

  4. No it is not polite and they will more then likely keep serving you all that beer once you start to shake things up.  And for the beer cans on the tray and neighbors lap, I think someone will come around and pick up the empty beer cans.  Maybe you should could see if you could have a private room on the train. Or better yet fly, it is a lot faster.  But wait, who saids you have to order the beer my daughter was on a train trip this past winter with her grandma and others. They were allowed to bring in their own food or  beverage if they chose not to eat in the restraint. So you could bring in your own beer. A can of coke is over 4.00 on a the train so I could only imagine what  a beer costs.  If you plan on getting that drunk and the train ride is a long one, you might want to also rent a sleeper cabin for later on to crash and sober up.

  5. Well it's not polite but you can do it if you like. It would be funny and entertaining for you but not your neighbor.  do what you want.  I'm assuming the trip is good?

  6. ROFL. We need more questions like this.

  7. it's not polite to drink infront of anyone at all... i'll say....

  8. sure, if you plan to share with the other passengers.

  9. not only is it unpolite to spill beer, its also alcohol abuse

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