
Is it polite to refer to your boss by his/her first name?

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I've asked a few people and they have mixed feelings about this topic so here is the story.......

There was this GM at our hotel that was always calling our boss by his first name and he was the only person doing so. Furthermore, everyone at our workplace called our boss by Mr. [Last Name] so what entitles this guy to do the opposite? And here's another annoying part, he probably thinks he's at the same level as our boss, but the fact of the matter is, he's not only on a different level, but he was the type of employee who only talked the talk and sat in his office all day instead of doing something more productive to help increase our company's revenue. He's gone now...thank god!! But back to what I was saying, isn't it rude to call you boss by their first name? Are there any good websites that talk about this topic of "basic" business etiquette?




  1. Each workplace is different - a large corporate office may be more formal. I have only once had to call a boss "Mr....." All the rest preferred first name basis.

    You need to look at company size/culture and the preference of the individual; you can always ask or observe what others on your own level do.

  2. I do and always have.  

  3. ABSOLUTELY NOT, Unless your Boss tells you to.

  4. Here's how to solve this problem in a second: ASK your boss how he would prefer to be addressed, then DO THAT. Don't pay any attention to what others in your office do, or how they address him--this is something he should let you know so you can be as respectful as you need to be around him.

    Some bosses will allow first-name basis, others will find it too familiar. But you will never know if you don't ASK. And don't worry about the other guy--he'll end up with everything he deserves--good or bad. As you will.

  5. It definitely depends on where you work.  But when you don't know you always use Mr. or Ms.  If where you work, you are asked to use the boss's first name, then fine. Otherwise, it's Mr. or Ms. Whomever.   But phone calls that come through a company should always use the more formal no matter what. I am incredibly annoyed by people who use their immediate superiors first name when relating to outside people or customers.  But it is the superior who helps determine this.  If the superior doesn't care, it becomes a moot point. I had a boss for 6 yrs. that I called by Mr. (whomever) the entire time I worked for him  at work even though we were friends and I was close to his family. In social gatherings, I called him by his first name.

  6. Sure, it's rude unless the boss has specifically asked you to call him by his first name.

    Below is a pretty decent site for business etiquette.

  7. It is up to the boss and company to determine their name etiquette policy.  I have worked at places where we went by first name, and some where we used title and last name.   It also depends on the boss and what they prefer to be called, too.    

  8. I had a boss and all the superior staff called him by his first name.. if he tells the staff members.. Call me..  John or if it's a woman.. call me Jane.. then it's alright.. then she or he wants to just create a more relaxed atmosphere at work.. if the boss suggests to you that he would prefer you to call him John and he tells all other staff to do so.. then you all should. or Jane .. if the boss doesn't suggest it then nobody should do it..  

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