
Is it political suicide for someone running for American political office to NOT believe in God?

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Is it political suicide for someone running for American political office to NOT believe in God?




  1. admitting it is suicide for sure..

  2. Yes.  The vast majority of people in the US are very religious, and Sarah Palin, latest VP pick, believes creationism should be taught in schools.  No one running for office would ever admit to doubting in the existance of God.  The US has equated a strong religious belief to being a superior person.  Unless of course that religious belief is Muslim.

  3. no since a big chunk of voters dont believe in god either.

  4. Of course not, as long as you PRETEND you believe in God you're fine.

  5. Absolutely.. Its like 80% of America who are religious (whatever the term now means) not sure on statistics but its up there.

  6. unfortunatly yes... but i believe in the seperation of church and state!

    i dont care what u wanna call God so long as ur running our country in the right path!!

  7. Actually about 10% of our Country run our Country and their religion is atheist and not another belief. If we remember a recent decision by a Liberal Judge, atheist is not a belief! But we all know it is! Well, we have heard that oral is not s*x and some bought into that too! Especially our teen girls.. thanks Bill, our Country really needed that and the AIDS that followed! You see our schools being sued because the only religion allowed is Atheism! We can all understand this because the USSR warned us they would attack from within, using our own system to defeat us! Can anyone with a mature and knowledgeable mind say school shootings are not part of this new way? We are not allowed to suggest any morals in our schools or the ACLU will sue the school. If we say murder is wrong, they call that religious and the Liberal Supreme Court would agree! Hey kids, it is not wrong.. our Supreme Court; mostly Liberals, says it is not! Atheist run this Country and have for years, thanks to the Liberals in our Supreme Court.. They are as guilty as those who shot our kids! Earl  

  8. Sadly, since it eliminates over 50% of your vote.

    What we need is an Atheist who relies on rational thinking and logic instead of his religious convictions.


  9. I don't think so, but then again, I'm a Libertarian...  Some would say running as a Libertarian is political suicide...  

  10. Unfortunately. Although I bet plenty of politicians that run don't believe in God. Religion works as great manipulation in politics.

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