
Is it posible that most woman are more gulible than men?

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I would prefer people who answer this to use their logic in answering this question, rather than dismissing theories purely because you dont WANT it to be true.

I am reading a book which suggests that the reason why children believe everything thier parents tell them is somewhat of a survival mechanism.

when your father tells you to do something and you dont it could prove fatal especially in the prehistoric times, for example if your father told you not to eat a certain food and you did, it could be poison, so as a rule of thumb a child would believe anything a parent would tell them including religion.

could this mean the same for woman?

could it be posible that a womans gulibility is a by- product of evolution?

If woman spent there time being protected, pregnant, and looking after the cave etc, they would need to listen to the one who had experience in the wild, and therefore most woman would have the mechanism for survival of listening to everything a man told her?




  1. Thats a good questionn but I don't know. It seems to me like women use logic more of the time where as guys seem to just go with the flow which might in result make them more gulible...but...i dont know, i guess its possible. I think it depends on the person.

  2. yeh all women are extremly guilable

  3. I dont think they are more gulible: more optimistic  and hopeful that one day  men might be more like them.

    Look at how women are treated around the world: and yet we survive, and we get our children to survive in the most dire of circumstances.

    No woman is going to sit there and let her children starve because her hunter 'may' come back.  We just dont let the men realise how independent and capable we are ;-)So who is the most gullible?

  4. Look at nature. Curiosity killed the cat, but it was a male cat.

    Male cats are the ones that get squashed by cars, get eaten by next door's neighbour etc etc, that's because in nature it doesn't matter if a male cat gets it, because it's the female that feeds the kittens, not the male. Male cats believe everything, female cats are more diffident.

    Humans are not different.

    If a male gets it, so what. But females are needed for the conservation of the specie.

    So I'd say women by instinct would be MUCH less gullible than men, hovewer nowadays nobody is in touch with heir instinct any more so anything's possible.

    I don't think cave people communicated much, she stayed in the cave and that was it.

    It was safe in the cave and she was needed there to look after the babies, while men went out fighting game.

  5. hey you skipped from prehistoric times to the victorian era there. in prehistoric times women helped with the hunting/gathering too (probably since they needed all the food they could get) it was only hundreds of years later that they were confined to the housework and child-rearing.

    therefore they weren't really relying on the men for protection.

    so it's possible - but not very probable


  6. The way more women fall for ridiculous rubbish such as astrology, psychics, ghosts etc., yes.

  7. I think that would depend on the person

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