
Is it posible to create flat sensor to sense a typical laser & send out signals to determine XY coordinates.?

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Is it posiible to create flat sensor which would sense a typical laser light and send out signals to determine the X and Y coordinates on the flat sensor surface...?

Basically I want to create a circular flat board which should get higlighted on sensiing laser beam. Not hte entire board, but only the XY corrdinates.




  1. This is possible, use light detecting board. This will be expensive.

    Clever system is to use TV camera that digitizes signal, look at data with a computer using pattern recognition technology to "see" the laser. This is much cheaper.

    An old video game used to work by using a lens in a simulated gun that read when the location pointed to on a CRT was refreshed. Comparing the timing, it knew where you were pointing.

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