
Is it posible to get weed out of your system in 13 days if so how

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i need some good answers




  1. it really depends on how much you smoke. if you're a routine user, it'll be hard to clear out by then. if you very rarely smoke, it'll most likely be completely gone by then. then again.. my one friend is a pretty intense pothead and she cleaned out in ten days time just by overhydrating and exercising. go figure, it really depends on how active you are and how much you smoke.

    i had this scare about a week ago. i was naughty on the fourth and i had a test about twenty days later. i was totally clean, thank h**l.

    just drink a f*ckton of water, any other fluids you can get your hands on. do a bit of hardcore running around because pot stores the thc in your fat cells.

    if you're going for a p**s test, don't use your morning pee, use the one after that, and p**s a little in the toilet before you do in the cup.

    good luck, i know how nervewracking this is. i'm sure you'll be fine.

    ps - DON'T use gold seal, i heard they can check for it and if they detect it you're f*cked.

  2. Drink alot of water for 3 days , and drink two 8 oz glasses of vinegar a day  

  3. k first off, its a myth that it stays in y our system a month..i mean it CAN but you have to be a "chronic" smoker..which  means like 2-3 joints a day..for a long time..its unlikely thats how often you do it..if you do it like a few times a week..4-5 times a week..then it could be out of your system in like 2-3 weeks..but to get it out of your blood stream or hair samples, it is just time, but if you're talking about a urine sample..then cranberry juice and water..drink LOTS AND LOTS of it..and pee a lot so that it will dilute and be removed from your tract system. trust me, i know people who have literally smoked like 3 days before a drug screening, and got past it with doing that for straight 3 days..

  4. You've got to drink loads of water and go and get yourself a product called gold seal. It should knock out any traces of weed in a few days. Also, drink loads of green tea. Plus I would recommend giving yourself a drug test before your deadline just to make sure.  

  5. There are some pills called stinger they have a liquid too and you take them the day before you have to take a test.. and they give you a 5 hour window where you are clean.. they are the only one we have found that really really work. for best results use the liquid and the pills.. and follow the instructions on the bottles.. good luck hope i helped.  also you can get those pills at a smoke shop.. hightimes carries them if you have a hightimes near you... .

  6. dad started with weed the cocaine the herion the DEAD

  7. yes you could drink lots an dlots of water. Also theres an over the counter drug called niacin. Take like 2 drink lots of water and take a few more continue drinking water. Or you could always go buy a drink that gets it outa your sytem in an hour or two.

  8. If you're worried about testing positive for marijuana, then you should definitely invest in some of the great Detoxifying Products for removing THC out of your system that will help you to test negative for marijuana use. This is due to the fact that it takes so long for the THC to leave your system that you'll probably test positive if you do not.

    Drink alot of water and vinegar.

    Do you have some water pills?

    Take two of those.

    My uncle does this all the time becaues he is on probation and can't smoke weed.

    You can  buy a Detox drink at walmart.

  9. take vitamin B complex pills and drink alot of water

  10. If its for a test, then I think not..... It stays in your system for at least 3 months, so would be no way that it could leave your body in 13 days

  11. drink alot of cranberry flushes your system really well. most any fluids will..but cranberry juice is one of the best.. they also have kits that cleanse your system...anyway good luck..and next time dont toke up so close to a drug

  12. Depends how heavy of a smoker you are.  Can you edit your question and say how often you smoke?

    If you aren't smoking more than a couple times a week, you can.

    But all of these people answering are giving you bad advice.

    First of all, some of those products available -- they can be detected by some labs. All this advice you are getting is about  how to clear up your urinary system, but its actually stored in fat cells, and you need to crank up your metabolism.

    Start excercising a lot, daily. (And of course that includes drinking lots of water to eliminate the waste)

    The THC is stored in fat cells!

    IMPORTANT:  Now three days before you take the test, stop exercising.  

    And on the day of the test, get up early and drink water so you can get rid of the urine that sat in your bladder overnite.  Never give your first morning's pee.   Drink plenty of water, and some  pickle juice (vinegar) but don't over do it or they will know.

    When you are getting the sample, let out a stream of pee first into the toilet,  and then collect.

    (Don't smoke! it's not worth losing a job over!!!  It's illegal and you can run into problems and your future is not worth it!  I am for the decriminalization of marijuana , so I am not judging you.)

  13. don't smoke it in the first place.

  14. Just don't ******* smoke it.

  15. It usually takes about 30 days to completly clean out your system, but it is possible to do it in less time. I use this method and it has worked pretty good for me.

    Start by drinking a good brand of Green Detox Tea over a one week period, (Yogi Brand is good). Drink about three hot cups a day, once in the morning, once during mid day, and the last cup at night before you go to bed. Drink lots of water and nothing else in between.

    Then drink a good brand of Cranberry juice over a one week period, make sure that it has plenty of antioxidants in it. Pomegranit juice should work also. Remember to drink lots of water also.

    Then after that drink nothing but water, as much as you comfortably can all day long.

    Also, stay away from fatty and fried foods and dairy products.

  16. We;; if your getting tested I guesss you could drink alot of water, and use special shampoo that remves the residue from your hair (available at most smoke shops)

  17. Take urinary track infection pills and drink a lot of water. Your pee will turn a bright orange color so make sure you pee all the color out.

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