
Is it posible to have my 5k time down to 18 minutes by the end of September?

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Just started running, My 1st 5k time was 28 minutes. I'm in good shape and only getting better! I train everyday!




  1. Sure - I used to run 1.5 miles in less than 12 minutes. I was 31 years old and 10 lbs overweight at the time.

  2. if your 1st 5k was 28 minutes, it would really depend on how your felt during that particular run

    if you were surely feel you could have ran it harder, practice can get you to the low 20s

    if you ran it hard as you can, just stay calm and work hard at practice to the season to the low 20s

    18 minutes isnt impossible; you are going to have to get used to it (its about a 5:50 per mile)

    Just remember to always keep it up even when you dont want to

    good luck; sorry i wasnt too helpful

  3. This is going to sound mean, but as a girl, 18 minutes (for the average runner) is VERY hard to achieve. The first place runner at my Regionals race ran it in 19 minutes. A woman that ran a local 5k recently had a time of 18:36. so Yes, an 18 minute 5k is possible, i just wouldn't push it. September is coming up soon, and that's a lot of time to cut. I'd aim for 22ish at the most, for September, and then try for 18 during the rest of the year. Good luck!!

  4. 18  minutes is really hard.  i know one person(girl) who's time is about 20 minutes.  i dont think you can get it that low by septemeber, but i am sure you can get it down a couple minutes.  maybe even down to 20 minutes.  i dont think you will be getting that low, but im sure you will get close.  keep trying to improve.  im sure youll do great.

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