
Is it posible to make a sustainable living, where money is no longer needed?

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Is it posible to make a sustainable living, where money is no longer needed?




  1. Oh yeah farmers in India do it all the time, mind you it's not that great of a living but hey they aren't dead.

  2. yep, they are called communes, and barter systems, it was a passing fad in the 60,s "remember the hippies"?,

    Id didn't last long tho but it shook the very fondations of our society and govt., it changed the way we do things in a big way, watch the history channel

  3. If you own anything, money is needed.   The govt. always wants their cut even if no money is coming in.   Like to live on a farm and grow my own vegis, but theres always property tax to pay.

  4. I don't know about going without, but I saw on the news a town in England that has it's own currency that can only be used to buy locally produced goods which reduces the amount of fuel needed for shipping.  I imagine it is technically feasible to set up a system of electronic fund management that is secure and could be accessed by a small secure card you carry on your person but the costs to set up the system and security issues would be huge.

  5. umm you could take a walk .

  6. I believe we need a future based on caring and sharing fairly, not a continuation of a system that is based on envy, loving money and greed.

    Such a system would be sustainable whereas our current system clearly isn't.

  7. Sure... throughout history, ancient cultures around the world have traded and bartered goods and services without the use of currency.  So it's possible, but it would be chaotic in this day.

  8. Well in a utopia, yes you can live withouth the need of money.  In the perfect world, everybody is one, a community where everybody is the same.  You grow tomatoes, your neighbor cucumbers and you guys exchange.  in a community where every body will be the same, the interaction with eachother and the comitment to give and take is reciprocal, we could live a sustainable life and i think it will be even richer.  

    In order for something like this to work, there are so many steps before this world could get to something remotely close to it.

    so, in this society wehre everybody just worried about the self, this could never work.

  9. hello

    nice idea but i don't think so.

    Unless you want to wander the earth like "Kane" in kung fu.

    But as John Travolta said in pulp fiction: "they got a name for's called a bum"

    sorry to be so cynical...

    just do your best and don't worry about the small stuff...


    please pick mine 4 best answer

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