
Is it possable to kill yourself with drugs??

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my friend has been doing drugs for about a year now, and she just started popping exos. and shes saying that she wants to do them everyday, for school, for home and being around her friends cause she has a hard life. she says that the pills make her happy.the first time she did them and she called me saying that shes happy and dont eant to fight with her dad anymore and that she want to be happy.

i believe her at that. but the next day when i saw her, we were driving around and she just look at the sky while she was driving and said" look at the clouds, aren't they pritty?" and then her leg started to bonce up and down while it was on the gas peddle, but her foot wasnt moving only her leg.

then when we went to her house her puppy came up to her and she started screming. saying " there's a gorrillia*" !!

shes done weed,bars,ccc,painkillers,almost every pill.

i just want to know if she keeps this up, is it possable that she can die,?

info on her: shes 17, skinny (95 lbs.),few more years of school,left.

bipolor, personality disorder.

can you help me with her, please?

andevery time she does them she says that she wants more and more not just one at a time but like five so she can feel "that way" all day




  1. I can tell your not very intellectual about drugs.  That's okay but yes she can die.  At the rate she is going she could do it any day.  She is young and doesn't understand this.  She just wants to feel good and the drugs do this for her.  She does need help.  You shouldn't be riding with her in a car at all.  You are endangering yourself.  I have had at least 10 friends die in 2 yrs from drugs.  She is also harming her body organs as well.  Alot of bipolar personality people I know do this to self medicate but they need to go to a honest Dr. and get on the correct meds to make them feel better.  I know you probably feel as if you would be a snitch to tell her parents or school counselor but if you are her friend please help her in this way or some other way to get her off the drugs.  I am sure you would rather her be mad at you about telling if she found out it was you  than to go to her funeral.  Please do something dont sit back and wait to go to her funeral.  I have had a hard life too but drugs are not the answer.  That is a cop out.

  2. yea!

  3. Of course you can kill yourself on drugs.  You can overdose from too much of just about any drug but especially drugs that slow down the central nervous system, heart rate, blood pressure, etc.  You can die from heart failure, cardiac arrest; it's easy to overdose on painkillers and sedatives.  Mixing drugs with alcohol is even a bigger risk of CNS interaction, coma, or death.  Speed, cocaine, and X can increase the heart rate and mixing ups and downs can create havoc on the system.  Drugs are dangerous.  Even something like weed has a lot of affect on the body and people have had bad reactions from marijuana.  It may need overdose you that easily, but it still affects the nervous system, heart, blood pressure, etc.  Drugs can also make a deadly situation driving behind the wheel of a car because your reactions are slowed way down, you can wreck a car quite easily.  And of course the psychological and mental affects or drugs, dependence, physical and mental are incredible.  Hallucinations can actually cause mental disorders or make them worse (if you already have them) like bipolar, personality disorder, depression, etc.  Flashbacks, hallucinations, emotional distress, mood swings, can occur in between taking the drugs or after.  But the addiction is the worse, the need to continue using the drug again and again and again.  Physical dependence is bad but physiological dependence is worse and the cravings to want to do the drugs can last for years or even decades after you quit.  I KNOW I was a hard core drug user between the ages of 15-25 years old.   I overdosed several times, spent weeks and months in various hospitals, and of course the physical and mental backlash which was unreal to say the least.  I went through treatment 10 times in 10 years.  I had counselors, physiatrists, social workers, etc tried to work with me.  I had poly addictions like you were description to 10-20 different substances especially prescription drugs (narcotics, tranquilizers, speed, sedatives) along with weed, coke, acid, and Quaaludes.  I almost died many times.  I finally quite in 85 and it was no easy road.  Now I have no desire to get stoned anymore but it took a long time to turn my life around.  The mind gets screwed up for years, the cravings last for years, and withdrawal is wicked.  Flashbacks can occur months after you stop using hallucinations.  I developed a heart problem from the cocaine and speed (I take blood pressure pills for the rest of my life).  

    I remember myself one year after I started taking drugs; I was already on the path.  Sometimes there isn’t much you can do, only suggest the way.  Treatment center, NA meetings, counseling, anything she might be open to.  I went to a few AA and NA meetings back in 77-78 shortly after my first OD.  I wasn’t ready for it yet, but I did take in what they were saying and I remembered it for later. Sometimes the will is very hard to break or for a person to really become ready to quit.  My parents tried forcing me many times but until I was ready, nothing was going to stop me!

  4. you can die from drugs its called overdose

  5. of course you can

  6. Yes she could die from a drug overdose and even if you think you could hurt her by telling trust me it would be worse ifshe dies andyou know you never said anything. She might not ever talk to you again but she will get help and maybe even forgive you 4 helping her lol.Hope I helped

  7. Short answer: Yes.

    Longer answer: Thousands of people every year die from drug abuse, either intentional or accidental.

    Upshot: Your friend needs professional help NOW.

  8. Are you kidding?  Of course SHE CAN DIE FROM TAKING DRUGS!!!!!

    If she continues she's sure to overdose and kill herself.

    You HAVE TO INTERVENE!!!  You have to tell her parents, tell the school counselor, ANYONE WHO WILL LISTEN!!!

  9. You can die from a drug overdose.  Does this girl have parents you can talk to?  The high is probably wonderful for her, but as time goes on, she is going to need more and more of this drug to maintain the high, and when she comes down, she is going to crash hard.   Life can become intolerable for her in the near future.  Please, if you can talk to her parents or someone in your school, do so.  She may be mad at you for a while, but at least she will be alive and in one piece so she has time to realize that you really care about her.  I hope you can help, and I hope she will accept the help.  Drugs don't lead  to anything good.  

  10. what rock have u been living under??? SO many people die from overdoes each day.

  11. Yes.

    And if she does use drugs that use a needle, and she shares the needle with someone infected with HIV/AIDS, she could get HIV/AIDS and die from complications because it weakens her immune system.

  12. yeah u can

  13. Getting high on drugs is for people who can't deal with their problems,they think they can pop some pills or smoke dope and it will all go away .Problems don't go away,sometimes they get worse. She needs medical help and a lot of support from friends/family.

  14. Is this a serious question? I didn't even read the paragraph, but I read the question, and DUH.

  15. I don't know what "exos" are, but if they cause hallucinations and altered sense of reality, it's a safe bet that there is going to be some lasting effect.

    You need to get your friend help.  She will hate you for it, but it will save her life.  

  16. Where have you been for the past thirty years.  Why do you think we have a drug war?  It is killing our youth!

  17. They tried ta make me go to rehab I said NO-NO-NO. Since she's only seventeen, maybe you should go to her parent/parents and tell them you suspect she needs help. Rehab perhaps? It's hard to get someone to stop doing what they feel is the only thing that will make them happy. If asking her parents doesnt help, maybe you should talk to her yourself. Tell her you are concerned and ask if she would like to hang out with you more...instead of the crowd she's used to (and maybe her dad is part of the problem). Yes, to answer your question; she CAN die from overdose, heart attack, infections, ect. It's very important she finds help.  

  18. yes she can overdose. her saying that she wants more and more at one time is indicating that she doesnt know her limit and she has a chance of od. i had a friend that sounds just like her, problems with her father and she just wanted to feel good. i never thought anything of it until it was to late. i never for gave myself so please step in and tell an adult and get her some help because you might not think its ur responsibility but she is crying out for help. you can save her life. she might be really mad at you but she will thank you in the long run.

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