
Is it possable to mix a bunch of songs into one?

by Guest21316  |  earlier

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is there a program or some other way to take parts of different songs and make those parts into one new song?




  1. Adobe Audition

    it's the best for doing that

  2. garage band if your on a MAC

    but I suggest not doing that unless you know ALOT about how music works and about how only certain songs can be played well together.

    My brother does things like this and it sound TERRIBLE.

  3. No it just sounds really stupid.

  4. ya, but it is not like you just take songs and it dose it for you, you need to do it, a good free audio editor that will do the job is audacity

  5. yes DJ's do it all the time, you need some decks to do it

  6. Honestly i have no idea how to do it, (sorry) but yes it can be done. My cheerleading coach does it for our routines as well as my dance teacher one year. Good luck.

  7. yes there are ways.. try 'garage band' on mac.

  8. i think you can do it on iMovie, garageband, or something similar. put all of the songs into different rows, if doing it in garage band, and crop the parts so the parts left are what you want. Then, align them in the order you want in one row. Presto! you have your new song :)

  9. Yes, you can definitely mix a bunch of songs into one.

    It really depends what you mean by that though.

    A DJ can (or should be able to) take a song and line it up so that certain elements blend with and into the next song he/she plays.

    You can also achieve this with a program but it's more about your song selection and being able to pick those elements (usually from an intro or outro) out and "mix" them together.

    On the other hand if you're asking, "is it possible to isolate the violin out of an orchestral recording so that violin is the only thing you hear"?

    Then the answer is... kind of. You can never completely isolate individual instruments from a recording that has multiple instruments on it. People have tried this with vocals and it works, but not very well.

    People who do mash-ups often take parts of one song and mash them with another. This can do this either because they have the acapella and instrumentals for one or both of the songs to be mashed up.

    An acapella is an isolated vocal, while an instrumental is (well how it sounds) the song without the voice.

    I highly recommend Ableton Live for mashing up or creating remixes of songs. Keep in mind the program is not going to just do it for you. Mixing a bunch of songs into one is an art-form in and of itself that requires similar disciplines to acoustic instruments.

    Hip-hop / electronic artists do this all the time. They just call it sampling and usually put some kind of a back-beat behind it. Hope this helps. Good Luck.

  10. Jive Bunny tried it in the late eighties.  Didn't really work for them did it.  Just make proper new music, there's too much c**p in the charts these days, and we don't need any more.

  11. yes. You need to allow your computer to open the same program many times, then sync many songs on the programs to your device at the same time, no sweat.

  12. no there isn't, stop trying

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