
Is it possibale to run 5 miles in 30 min if right now i'm running 1.5 in 30 min serious answers only please

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i have always wanted to be in a marathan an there is one comming up in 6 month. I need to do 5 miles in 30 min. right now i'm doing 1.5 in 30 and am exausted!! what can i do to help or should i just forget the whole thing.

please no negative comments I need solid advise!




  1. A six-minute mile is quite fast for someone who's not training rigidly for races or meets. Maintaining a pace that fast for 30 minutes takes a high level of fitness. A marathon is 26.2 miles long and takes extreme fitness and endurance, which you obviously don't have.

    Yet. Can you get there in six months? Maybe the five-mile goal, but not the marathon. How hard are you willing to work? How much time can you devote to it? How old are you?

    I say this not to put you down but because I find your time for 1.5 miles really slow. Are you sure the distance is accurate? I'm not a runner but a walker, and a 20-minute mile is a pace that my very unfit, overweight sixty-year-old friend achieved on her first walk with me.

    That you're running is admirable, and if you continue, you will get faster. If I were you, I might modify my goal, and when I meet it, set a new one. Rather than aiming for a marathon or even five consecutive 6-minute miles, I'd try for 2.0 miles in 30 minutes.

    Once you've achieved that, try for 2.5 miles in 30 minutes, then 3.0, and so on. If you run at least 4 times a week, you'll get there faster. Daily would be ideal.

    Good luck in getting fit!

  2. You won't be able to run faster if you just walk on a tredmill. if you want to run that 5 miles then you need to run, EVERY single day. Push yourself. You will get there, it just takes work!!!

  3. I began by jogging slowly and walking and now can do 6 minute miles but it has taken some time.

    I would jog on a treadmill for a mile, walk a mile, and jog another mile.  Slowly over a few months I would jog a little further and walk a little less.  Over about 6 months i was jogging 3 straight miles.  I continued doing 3 miles, but faster and faster over time.  When I got down under 8 minute mile times, I upped the distance to 4 miles.  When I got down to 7:30 and 7 minute mile times, I upped it to 5 miles.  Again, slowly, I got down to sub 7 minute miles and 6 minute miles.  At that point I went on to distance running and marathon training.

    All in all, it took me about 2-3 years to go from no daily workout to 6 minute miles.  I lost about 150 pounds in the process, which was ok because I was overweight to start.

  4. well  if you want to run 5 miles in 30 min but can only run 1.5 in 30 min you better stop walking on the tredmil and start running on it

  5. A marathon, first of all, is about 26 miles, not 5. If you run 1.5 miles in 30 mins, that is about 20 mins per mile. I hate to say this, but i think you either had a typo or you are very, very, very out of shape. A typical 20year old person who is in decent shape can walk a mile in 20 mins and run it in 6 mins. To help, you need to excersise a lot to get in shape, and only then can you actually consider running a marathon.

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