
Is it possibe to make up honors level classes?

by  |  earlier

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If you fail a class and have to take it in summer school, its always college prep level but i was wondering if there was any way you could make up a class at honors level because all my other classes are honors.




  1. No.  School districts do not offer honors level classes in summer school as second chance or make-up classes.  Some districts offer honors summer programs for students who want to get ahead, or for courses not offered during the regular school year.  But if you failed a class, they will not offer honors credit for taking it over during the summer.

    If you failed a course, you may not want to take honors anyway.  Perhaps you would be more successful in a regular class in that particular subject.  We can't all be good at everything.  Maybe it's just not one of your strongest areas.

  2. Uh... I don't think so. Nothing like that is offered in my district and I would be VERY surprised if it was offered elsewhere. The whole point of a class being AP is so that you spend lots more time doing more difficult work... doubt they'd let you condense extra credit into a crash make-up course.

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