
Is it possible I could be pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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I regularly take birth control, and during july 4th weekend i was supposed to start the sugar pills on sunday night but i missed it. That was the first sugar pill of the week, and i had intercourse the previous thursday. I know chances are slim that i could be pregnant, but these last two periods have been very different. The 1st one was real dark, like old blood. The 2nd one was real light and didnt even need tampons, but it lasted 4 days. I have been having constant heartburn (and currently take heartburn meds, but seems not to help anymore) and i have some mild crampin and breast tenderness that last few day. Now if i were pregnant, i'd be about 5 weeks right? I have a 3 year old so i know my symptoms, and most seem to check out, but maybe i'm not and something different could be wrong.. Any suggestions or opinions would be great.. Thanks!




  1. I would take a home pregnancy test to be sure.

  2. I would take a test just to be sure, even if you had your period. Just to put your mind at ease. If the period problems persist, then contact your gyno.

  3. Take a home pregnancy test and consult with your doctor. That's the only sure way to know.  

  4. why not take a pregnancy test?

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