
Is it possible I have a stress fracture?

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I recently had stress fractures in both my tibias, and I am at the point to where I am starting up running again as the cross country season starts. Lately I've realized that my right leg is over-compensating for my left leg during runs and a little while I'm walking. I've heard that it's possible for the bone to grow abnormally after a fracture, so is it possible I have devoloped a LLD? I have no lower back pain, but I do have some soreness in both sides of my butt. If I do have LLD, is it dangerous to keep running without seeing a specialist, and is there a quick way for me to alleviate it without surgery/running with orthodics. The LLD can't possibly be a severe one, as they look identical when I look in the mirror and it is just barely noticeable while I am walking. Thanks!




  1. Hard to say if you have LLD without xrays. Need to see what impact the stress fractures have on you. I recommend seeing an orthopedic doctor to see what your options are, and if possible, find one who uses 14 x 52 film (not common). That type of image takes picture of your hip, knee, and ankle all in one shot. It will tell you right away if you have LLD or other biomechanical issues.

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