
Is it possible John McCain had no clue about Palin's pregnant daughter?

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It may very well be the case that McCain had no freakin' clue about this. The NY Times is already pointing out the lack of vetting process for the Alaska governer. It seems very likely that McCain was not aware of this 5 month pregnancy. They must have looked at Palin more than 5 months ago or so and of course the pregnancy did not exist at that time! That's when Bristol was having s*x while being an unmarried teenage daughter of a typical republican.




  1. John McCain has no clue about a lot of things.

  2. If that's true it reflects poorly on him and Palin.

    If false he just mooned all the Evangelists by not talking to them about this before choosing Palin.

  3. McCain denies that, but all signs point to yes.

    Combine the daughters issues and Palin's extremist views against contraception and for abstinence only s*x ed......and you have a disaster brewing.   So much for getting the Hillary voters.....

    This whole thing is amazing.   He picked a VP with virtually no vetting.   One interview with Palin....and he dropped multiple vetted, experienced, candidates for someone with numerous skeletons and virtually no experience.

    What's also that McCain has admitted to dispatching 'a dozen' Republican lawyers to Alaska.   They are going to vette her after the fact.....which means, they might drop her from the ticket.

  4. Yes, he didn't have a vetting process:

    And there is a convincing case being made that the daughter is actually the mother of the other baby as well:

  5. I will sleep well tonight knowing that you owe your job to a republican. Have fun at work tomorrow!

  6. Dumb if he knew, dumb if he didn't.  Either way...

  7. All I know is in Nov. McCain and Palin ARE NOT getting my vote. That´s absolutely disturbing to go around telling teens to practice abstinence and teaching abstinence in public schools and then we have a VP candidate that has a teen daughter s******g already. I agree with others when they say that it´s also sad that Bristol and the father of her baby are marrying because come on, people, it´s only because they have that darn kid.

    Maybe McCain should have grown a brain (instead of hanging out with Bush so long) and thought about his VP choice some more...who chooses a VP based on one interview/meeting??!

  8. Ha Ha Ha. That is what we good Christens do get pregnant . That is ok with McCain .Where are all the Christen moral standing gone too.


    is to blame for bring this on to the American people. Is America and McCain  telling the world it is ok for all sixteen years to get pregnant.

  9. His campaign reps say they did know.

    If they did, I'd say they did an excellent job of letting he Obama camp make fools of themselves.  They started the rumor about Bristol being the mother of the youngest Palin son and *then* they let the hard truth bite the Obamacans in the butt.  The truth proved the Obama camp's rumors were a lie AND showed people just how low they would go to make their opponent look bad.

    I think the McCain team played it pretty smart.


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