
Is it possible Lieberman jumped ship for his own ambitions?

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Democrats call him a traitor, republicans (now that he supports McCain) say the democrats threw him overboard.

But taking into account the fact that Lieberman had ambitions of becoming president his whole career, tried as a democrat and failed, and then started wheeling and dealing and coming extremely close to winning McCain's nomination for VP, isn't it possible that he jumped ship for the sake of his own ambitions?




  1. Lieberman jumped ship because he lost the Dem's nomination to Ned Lamont. Lamont exposed his for the one issue (protection of Israel) man he is as well as being too close to Bush/Cheny politics.

    Which proved to be dead on balls accurate.

  2. Not likely the Dems refused to back him in the last senate election so he ran and won as an independent. To bad he isn't running as an independent candidate for president now.  

  3. Lie-berman only cares about Israel.

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