
Is it possible Plate Tectonics could be causing Global Warming?

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We all know Pangaea was a theory of Plate Tectonics. So what if Plate Tectonics was causing Global Warming. It could be the possible giant earthquakes, and the breakup of ice on arctic shelves?




  1. It is possible that undersea plate tectonics are effecting the oceans.

    Scientists truly have no idea about how many active undersea vents exist.

    Do you mean the recent Antarctic ice shelf breakoff - located around the southern end of the 'Pacific Ring of Fire'?

  2. highly unlikely because tectonic plates were around for previous iceages so how could they effect this one

  3. I think the believers are more likely to say that global warming causes plate tectonics, as to them everything is explained by blaming global warming.

  4. No, it is the buildup of minor gases (CO2, CH4, N20 and others ) in the atmosphere resulting from human activity.  There is no doubt about the influence of theses gases - they make life as we know it now comfortable on the planet.  

    In the past, the major cycles of ice ages and thaws, controlled the the obit and tilt of the planet, have been the major driving forces behind the heating and cooling of the planet.  CO2 builds as the planet warms from decaying material and decreases as the plant cools because the decay process slows.  

    Now, however, humans pump billions of tons PER YEAR of CO2 into the atmosphere and it has increased I think about 20% (not sure about number - someone may know the right number) during the past decade.  That has made the atmosphere able to hold more of the heat radiating from the earth that would be sent into space.  We know the radiative forcing ability of CO2 and warming just a little lets the atmosphere hold more water vapor, which warms the planet even more. A new equilibrium is going to have to occur.  Laws of physics and all determine this.  The ice is melting as predicted at the poles and high elevations.  It is to widespread to be earth quakes and we would detect this.

    The ocean is really a key factor and scientist are working to understand their influence better. Hopefully, it will offset of moderate climate change.

    Some people suggest volcanoes are the major factor.  However, volcanoes can put t lot of aerosols into the stratosphere, as well as the troposphere, and that can sometimes have a cooling effect.  Yes, they emitt CO2 but they also emit ofther substances that balances the effects somewhat.

    Just saw a presentation from the American Meteorological Association from this past winter meeting in NC that indicated that the cleaner air (less SO2 and particulate matter) may mean even less sunlight is reflect away from the planet.   We don't know if this is significant for GW yet or not.  Good for human health though.

    Unfortunately, humans are a major cause of climate change.  The facts are just to hard to ignore for scientist.  There is no "hard evidence" it is starting to cool.  This is only propaganda from the ill ill informed.  The link below provides a summary of the problems in a fairly clear fashion.  Takes a while to come up.  

    Now, even a lot of conservatives are convinced of the issue.  Just saw Pat Roberson and Newt Gingrich doing separate commercials with liberal figures saying its time to take this serious.  Ronald Regan did.  Bush senior did.  Are these just liberal tools?  I'm not sure what to call the anti -GW folks now.  Just uninformed loners I guess.

  5. Not possible because Al Gore can't charge carbon credits for it.

  6. Global Warming may cause Tectonic Rebound as large volumes of ice are melted and their masses redistributed, but Plate Tectonics does not cause Global Warming

  7. Global Warming isn't happening it's a cycle that the earth goes through every so often. Scientists have found hard evidence that it's now starting global cooling.

  8. Nope.

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