
Is it possible...What is this?

by  |  earlier

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I am 19. Lately(maybe a week ago) I noticed a red bump on my leg(by my knee) It itched so i just thought it was a mosquito bite. Now I have 4 bumps on my right leg, 2 on my left, 1 on my stomach and 2 on my back. They all itch and I don't know what its from, funny thing is my son(who is 3yrs old) has got a few too. Could it be chickenpox that he passed to me?(I had it when I was 7) or Could it be an STD from my bf? Please help!!




  1. They could be mosquito bites, tick bites, flea bites, or possibly chickenpox.  For adults that have had chickenpox in the past, they usually develop Shingles instead of chickenpox again.  If you are really concerned, especially since your son has them now, take him to the pediatrician to be checked out and then you can see if you have the same symptoms.

  2. The best way is to ask a doctor. Make an appointment and address he/she directly. Tell your symptoms and make sure you understand and are satisfied with the informations

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