
Is it possible (and legal) to keep a pet fox?

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I love foxes, but there's practically no information about owning them!




  1. Despite how cute they are, foxes would not make good pets. They haven't had the years of domestication that dogs and cats have had and will be prone to biting and will not be able to be litter trained- it's better for you to just watch them in the wild.

    As for legality, it depends where you are. In most places, it's not legal to trap a wild animal to keep as a pet, for good reason, but if it is legal in your area, you may be able to find a breeder who can sell you a baby fox- but really seriously think about it. They're cute; but not the best pets, even if you've had them from a baby.

  2. You can get a dnr officer to sighn a wildlife permit! I had a pet raccoon and coyote! The permit is only 10 dollars!  

  3. I don't think so, they're wild animals it wouldn't be a good idea.  

  4. Have you ever stopped to consider that THERE IS NO APPROVED RABIES VACCINE for foxes??? THAT is why foxes are illegal as pets! Do you want to put yourself at risk? Think about it. If you truly "love" foxes, leave them in the wild where they belong.

  5. hi

    to be frank with you,fox do not do well in captivity.foxes have never been domesticated yet before and it will take time for humans to actually train them to human ownership.

    on some states,it is not legal to keep a wild animal as a pet.some states do make it legal but you need a permit directly from your national wildlife protection agency.

    you may want to keep just a FOX and DOG HYBRID.they are just as good as a fox and as domesticated as a pet may like them.go here for a hybrid on fox and dogs:

    (just go down and you will find an article about fox hybrids)

    have a nice day! ☼

  6. They are wild animals and do not make good pets.

    In recent years, an escalating interest in exotic pets has drawn attention to the red fox. While the fox is a beautiful animal, people should remember that they are wild animals. Due to the fox's excitable and nervous nature, a fox makes a very unruly

    pet. If this knowledge is not enough to discourage attempts to make pets of foxes, people should also know that foxes have a very strong odor to their bodies and their waste, much like that of a skunk.

  7. Yes, it is legal, and if you can tame it, they are actually playful pets, I know someone who owns one. But remember, they are wild animals, as the other person has stated.

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