
Is it possible as an American citizen to fight in Iraq without joining the US Army?

by Guest59763  |  earlier

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Like if me and my buddies wanted to go to iraq and help the US but operate separetly.




  1. You need to be a part of the operation or the insurgents.  Anything else is just criminal activity.  

  2. You would probabley have to go with some other U.S. military force (the Marines, the Navy, the Air Force, etc.).  You can't go it alone.  

  3. nope.

  4. There are some civilian mercenary organizations like Blackwater was mentioned above.  Problem is, Blackwater probably wont hire you without a military or law enforcement background.  I don't know that for sure though.  I've met many Blackwater employees, as I recall every one was previously in the military.

  5. join the british army.  

  6. Why in the world would they allow this to happen? No you can't, you have no formal training. All you would do is get yourself and your buddies killed. Blackwater only hires prior service military and LEO's for their protection teams.

  7. Like RS said there are contractors.  I am currently In the Military and checking into working for a contractor, it probably won't be on the combat side.  I have experience in the positions I am applying for and a related B.A.  I do possess the qualities and have the qualifications they are looking for.  With out a Military background I wouldn't.  There is no civilian counter part to my job.  

    Contactors have to hire a certain numbers of vets to maintain there contracts.  If you have specific experience esp. in an area that the Military doesn't offer than you maybe could get hired by a contractor.  But fighting or combat jobs are something the Military does train in and the contactors will probably prefer a Military background for a "fighting" position.

  8. C'mon, dude. Don't be silly.


  10. Black Water!

  11. no you have to take the test to become a citizen first

  12. Well, there are the Marines. You didn't mention them.

  13. No, Blackwater-MVM-Dyncorp and others do not fight unless they get shot at first, they perform either support via driving supply trucks, infrastructure via building and maintaining bases/FOBs or they provide protection to VIPs for the State Department, they do not perform offensive operations. Outside of the US Military there is no way you can get into the fight.

  14.   Sure you can as a "insurgent".  But then you would be fighting against the United States Military......good luck with that

  15. Think about it this way. There's a fight with you and someone else's mom and you go for the others mom. instead of being in your mom's side. what do you think  

  16. psh.. no. if you want to serve your country, enlist!

  17. They wouldn't let you fight. If you could do this, anyone could just pretend to wanna fight with the US and when they're "in" they kill the team! Also, you need to be checked out by a doctor and everything to be allowed to own that gun you'll be using, and if you could just go and get one, wouldn't we all have a few of them at home right now?

    If you wanna help, though, I do believe you can volunteer to do so. Like nurses and stuff like that, but I'm hoping they don't just agree with whoever wants to help. You gotta be able to help with something they need.

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