
Is it possible for 2 human beings to be exactly alike

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In every way possible that you can think of.




  1. the YA coffee break got in the way of my tramsmitting my typed-out answer y'day - talk of lousy timing ;-((

    so here i go again ...

    no, no 2 humans can be exactly alike - not even identical twins or even clones - tho' their degree of difference would obviously be very low.

    the  genetic makeup is the main underlying & all-pervasive cause (& you can't control mutations either); other correlated variables include physical/anatomical structure, physiology, emotions (especially the response & reaction to various social stimuli, circumstances & interactions), skills & talents, one's spirit & spirituality ....

    then there's the whole "nurture" aspect where upbringing & environment play their role in making each of us a unique individual.  

    and hey, may be even astrologically - planets (or whatever) exerting their influence to make you what you are with your unique horoscope !!!


  2. No way

    everybodys DNA is different

    and so therefore you will not have two people just alike

    even twins are differetn

  3. Aren't they called Amish?

  4. nope totally impossible - it can never happen

    Even if you have a clone of somebody - their experiences make them who they are and it is physically impossible for two people to experience EXACTLY the same things.

  5. TWINS

  6. nope, everyone's finger prints are different, even twins,

  7. i suppose

  8. No. There are so many thousands or millions of variables in genes that it would be impossible to share all genes with someone else. Even a clone is not an exact replica. Even if these things were the same, you'd have to give people the same childhoods, parents, etc. The harder feat even would be to have them REACT the same way to these experiences as another person. If you're just talking about having someone look like another and have similar interests, then sure, but to be exactly alike another is impossible.  

  9. No, its impossible.

    EVERYONE is different in at-least five different ways.

    totallyy crazy if you think about it

  10. Mentally no, physicaly yes.

  11. The only thing I can think of is twins...

  12. yeah, some twins have the same exact dna.

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