
Is it possible for Michael Phelps to drown?

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I know anything is possible, but what would you say are the chances of aqua man drowning, under any conditions?




  1. Am I the only one who's taken this as a joke? :P

    Dolphans can drown.... So I'm saying it's possible.

    But unlikely.

  2. Only if he was dragged under by a ship or shark.

    Or got sick and weak when swimming  

  3. He is probably not the best floater since his body fat is so low, and his legs are so long.  I think for Michael Phelps to drown he would have to be knocked unconscious.

  4. of course anyone can drown. i guess if you were to throw him in the niagra falls

  5. Technically, he has more chances than almost anyone of drowning since he's in the water for long amounts of time and way more often than anyone else. He also comletes vigorous workouts in the water that would lead to any non conditioned athelete drowning out of sheer exhaustion. However, in reality, the chances of him drowning are probably pretty slim because he knows how to swim, and he's probably never at a pool by himself or without a lifeguard there.

  6. i wish i hate that guy

  7. Well yes, if he is not prepared or has health problems (without noticed)

    Just like a great driver can crash, he can drown too...

  8. If he went underwater and stayed under until he died.  

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