
Is it possible for Ron Paul to win in November?

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  1. No.

  2. Possibly, yes. But, from I know and understand, no.

    But, he will generate more excitement and buzz right across the GOP convention, this is a prime example that our grassroots is still strong. Our message will be heard, and we will restore true republican values for the country. Take care.

  3. I wish it were...

  4. Only if he is running for federal dog catcher.  He couldn't get arrested otherwise.  he's a loser and is unelectable.

  5. It's possible for Ron Paul to win in November.  

    But it's not probable.  

  6. In the truest sense, yes.

    I think the good Doctor withdrew from the race because:

    a) his focus has remained emphatically and unwaveringly on the Constitution for his entire political career.

    b) focusing on any individual dilutes one's focus on the Constitution

    c) all the attention was quickly centering on the Great Dr. Ron Paul... I can imagine he despised that anti-Constitutional Utopianism.

    d) by withdrawing, he has left the burden of ensuring the survival of our Liberties on the shoulders of the individual citizen.

    Good for him. He knows exactly what he's doing.


  7. Not a chance, the neocons buried him ages ago. They never really gave him a chance and many times just rudely ignored him. I will always remember him as the one that had the right agenda for America. America just wasn`t ready to listen to reason. Too busy beating the chest for that one. Made me think of Neanderthals plotting their battles.

    Now the only choices we have are not that terrific, just pick the least of the two evils.

  8. Please don't link conspiracy theories with Ron Paul.

  9. Not really.  Sorry.

  10. Naw. Most people who want to surrender, and run away will vote Obama

  11. Sadly, I believe people are too fearful of leaving the 'cage' the Dem/Rep system has created for them

  12. We have enough kooks running for President now...wait for the next train please.

  13. Unfortunately in my state, Georgia, the unconstitutional law is that even if I write in my vote for Rep. Paul, it won't be counted because only someone who wins a party primary will be tallied. Bob Barr is on the ballot only because the Libertarian Party was grandfathered in before this stupid law took effect.

    Something that my Rep and Senators are going to get an earful about, at least from this citizen. We should be able to vote for anybody we d**n well please, and have it counted.

    Regarding the 9/11 link you added — that is NOT part of the Ron Paul platform, and if you want to help him, don't link his name with that kind of stuff. The whole point is that conspiracies, even if they do exist, are irrelevant and powerless, if only our Constitution would be upheld by our own government.

  14. No.  but he'd make a much better candidate than McCain.  Im voting Obama and I'm a democrat...but I must say...Ron Paul was the only Republican candidate that would have been worthy of a party line switch.

  15. There are a few states where the candidate doesn't have to be involved to be on the ballot.  Last I heard people had RP on as VP candidate in Virginia, and he may well be on the ballot in Louisiana (where he would have won the caucus had the state GOP not broken their own rules.)  In Ca he'd have to sign a one page form to have write in votes for him counted.  I hope he will, but am not holding my breath.  We might have a better idea after the rally on Tuesday.

  16. No. But we can hope.

    As an aside, was that 9/11 conspiracy plug really necessary?

  17. Probably not. But it is a good start.

  18. yes if monkeys come flying out of our arses.

    o.k seriously ,uh yeah what i said before

  19. Nope.

    I know you say anybody can run for president if they were born in the US and all that stuff but we have yet to let a person that isn't in a major party win. I think its a flaw, but it makes since. Why waste your vote on somebody you know will do better but won't win.  

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