
Is it possible for a 13 year old to have abbs?

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because i've been working out alot[5-6 days a week] [1-3 hours] for about 2 or 3 monthes, now.

I've been eating EXTREMELY healthy.No fast food or anything like that.

I've been drinking protein shakes almost everyday i've been drinking milk and taking vitamins everyday.

***What can be wrong, Do you have to wait till youre older to have them?

Please help only if you actually know what youre talking about!




  1. i've had abs since i was 11 honestly. its not so much your diet and exercise as it is your body composition. some people can get them, others cant. but that can be changed. so keep trying. even if it doesn't work, you'll live longer.

  2. Yes, it's possible, in fact, it's normal for kids even younger to have a six-pack showing.  Everyone has a six-pack, some people just have bodyfat covering it.  If your six-pack is visible that is the result of a low bodyfat percentage.  

    That is good, that means you most likely consume healthy foods, low on calories, like you listed, and also get plenty of cardio exercise.  

    To maintain a six-pack you must continue to eat a low-calorie diet, high in protein, and low in carbs and fat, and you should be drinking lots of water everyday.  You must also do regular cardio exercise and you'll always have that nice six-pack.

    Best of luck!

  3. hehe, naw i had gotten my first full 6 pack at 11, i worked countless hours doing sit-ups and such, after sit-ups became too easy, I did weighted sit - ups, (put a 10lb weight on your chest, and do sit ups that way), then inclined sit-ups, where you're sitting nearly upside down on a platform that looks close to this / with your feet higher than you... Hope this helps :)

  4. yea its possible. i had a 6 pack @ 13. it was from soccer, the traing that went with it, and good genetics i guess. Now @ 19 i have an 8 pack by not doing much else besides eating healthy and doing hanging leg raises, as well as the usual working out.  

  5. yep its possible

  6. Yes, you can have visible abs.  Nothing's "wrong".  Try cutting back on milk (but don't cut it out completely) - milk is fairly high in fat, which can hide your abs under a layer of fat.  Also, cut out the protein shakes or vitamins - at your age, you don't need to be that drastic.  Just eat healthily and exercise, doing various forms of crunches.  You'll see the results over time....

  7. yes, it's normal.

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